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Relationships: It’s the little things that count!

By Dr. Janeen Detrick So, do you think you are with whomever you are with because of what or who THEY ARE?  In actuality, you are with whomever you are with because of WHO YOU ARE!  They are simply a projection of the energy inside yourself. I know! It eliminates the excuse of victim-hood, doesn’t it?  They aren’t doing it to you! You are seeing what is in your own unconscious mind as a result of what they are saying, doing, and being. What you think you see in them, […]

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Ideas for leveraging and expanding your network!

For each facet of your life, (family, significant other, economic concerns, material needs, leisure activities, friendships, spiritual pursuits, civic participation, physical health, education/personal) ask yourself these five questions: 1. What are the roadblocks to accomplishing my goals in this facet? 2. To what three people do I turn for advice or help in this facet of my life? List their names. 3. How are they nurturing, positive and supportive of me in this facet? 4. Whom do I know of (even if not closely) that inspires me by their success […]

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The Steps in Conflict Management

Step One: Prepare A. Write a list of concise bullets points of what you want to communicate, using “I Feel” language! (No “YOU” language!) This preparation helps you be concise, so you don’t ramble on and on, chasing rabbits and never getting to the point! B. Rate each item on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being strong energy, so you are prepared for compromise, if necessary. Step Two: Set an appointment! No emotional dumping! Just because you feel like saying it, doesn’t mean that is a good time […]

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Emotional Maturity

By Janeen J. Detrick The study of the eight different types of intelligences reveals that there is one major difference between “Social Intelligence”, and “Emotional Intelligence”. Social intelligence is characterized by an ability to understand and manage relationships with other people. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage the relationship One has with ONESELF. Social intelligence is INTER-PERSONAL, and emotional intelligence in INTRA-PERSONAL. And you know what? A person can have one and not the other! A person can have excellent social skills, but not have a clue […]

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The Six Attributes of How Love Acts

Part one Love is not an emotion! It becomes an emotion after it is applied as a verb. Think about it; All the great spiritual teachers have commanded us to LOVE (for our own good!) Can you command someone to have a feeling? Of course not! So, they were not commanding us to have a feeling; They were commanding us to “commit” an action, a verb. It may also be important to note that “commanding” us is just a way of strongly encouraging us to do something, because doing it […]

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The Seven Principles That Make Marriage Work

………….And the Seven Principles That Kill a Marriage! This information is based upon the research of Dr. John Gottman, as presented in his book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work The Seven Principles that don’t work, and are warning signs that your marriage will die if you continue doing them: 1. Harsh startups when you are “fighting”. Harsh startups are described as beginning the “heated discussion” with accusatory language; “You always…”, rather than “I feel” language. Harsh start ups also involve sarcasm or name calling. 2. Criticism. Offering a […]

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The Six Attributes of How Love Acts

By Janeen J. Detrick Part one Love is not an emotion! It becomes an emotion after it is applied as a verb. Think about it; All the great spiritual teachers have commanded us to LOVE (for our own good!) Can you command someone to have a feeling? Of course not! So, they were not commanding us to have a feeling; They were commanding us to “commit” an action, a verb. It may also be important to note that “commanding” us is just a way of strongly encouraging us to do […]

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Perspective Flipping

There are only three things we can change: 1. The word pictures we use to describe things. 2. Our perspective. 3. Our procedures. The purposes of this article, let’s consider the second one; Perspective Flipping: Seeing things from the perspective of Others. Accept this truth: Everything I see is only partially correct, as mine is only one of the myriad of perspectives there might be on any subject! When two people are upset, they are not seeing one another’s perspectives. To repair the “rift”, allow yourself to hear the other […]

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Releasing Control of Others, so you can receive all your blessings; Laying Down Resistance.

Repeat after me, “I hereby release control of the rate at which other people are growing.” Yikes! Sound easier said than done? Let me explain to you why it is SO IMPORTANT that you comprehend it, and relinquish trying to control, manipulate, and change, others. In universe law, the “Universe” allows everyone to create their life however they want, because the universe realizes that when people live out of their own hearts, they will “self correct” after they experience the consequences of their earlier choices, and therefore, all changes will […]

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N.L.P. SCRIPT about Attracting the Love Of Your Life!!

Here’s the formula for NLP; Below is the “Love” script. The formula is the “bones” of how to do it. Then, you fill in details and expound. Step 1) State the old Limiting Belief. Step 2) “I used to believe that………..” Restating the L.B. Step 3) “I believed that because …………………..” Step 4) “I completely forgive___________, (Other person involved, if there is one, or more than one.) because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and at their then level of […]

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