N.L.P. SCRIPT about Attracting the Love Of Your Life!!

Here’s the formula for NLP; Below is the “Love” script. The formula is the “bones” of how to do it. Then, you fill in details and expound.

Step 1) State the old Limiting Belief.
Step 2) “I used to believe that………..” Restating the L.B.
Step 3) “I believed that because …………………..”
Step 4) “I completely forgive___________, (Other person involved, if there is one, or more than one.) because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and at their then level of evolution.”
Step 5) “I now realize that ……..”(newly chosen belief, with substantiation of why it serves you better and is logical.)
Step 6) “I completely love and accept myself even though I held on to this for so long!”
Step 7) “I forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.”
Step 8) “I am so proud of myself for realizing that………….(state the newly chosen belief again.)
Step 9) “I know now that…………………….(reiterate the newly chosen belief again.)
Step 10) “Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having learned this earlier. I love you, Self. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. I Love you.

It is Done.

N.L.P. Script About attracting the Love of Your Life!:
I use to believe that I would never find Someone who would love me the way I want to be loved. I believed what my single friends were saying, “All the good ones are taken!” I believed that Love was hard to get and hard to keep. I even let myself get so discouraged about attracting Love, that I gave up on the idea of having a wonderful Love relationship. I believed this because my single friends told me their horror stories about the people they would date, and they weren’t having any luck finding the Love of their Lives! I believed it wasn’t possible for me, because it hadn’t happened for them! Also, I have heard it said that it’s important for a person to be able to be happy by themselves, so I have been trying to make myself happy being alone. I realize now that this is ridiculous, as we are all here to create our own expansion, and it’s not possible to expand all by yourself: Not only does it take another in our lives to procreate, but also it takes others to become rich, to process thoughts together, and to experience joy! I now realize that the whole purpose for our manifestation in a body is to create joy, freedom, and growth, and none of those are possible all alone! Saying that we have to be happy all alone is a cop-out so we don’t have to examine our own thought processes and beliefs! If no one is in my life, I don’t have to see in a mirror what they would otherwise reflect to me! I had even convinced myself that I didn’t want a significant Love relationship, but I realize that isn’t really true; I DO want the closeness of a Primary Love Relationship! I also think I wasn’t convinced that I am worthy to be loved; I didn’t feel lovable. I realize now that those feelings of low self esteem are birthed in believing that I had to be perfect in order to be lovable; I had to look like a model and already be rich, and have overcome all my baggage before I was lovable! I’m sorry that I held this ridiculous standard for myself, because I realize that the journey of becoming is far better accomplished together than alone! I also realized that I was projecting this into other people, believing that THEY were thinking this also, and therefore believing that they would judge and negatively assess me, for my imperfections. I’m sorry I thought this way toward myself! Please forgive me, Self! I know that I can love someone else even though they have imperfections, so I should be able to expect that they will be able to love me even though I have imperfections. I realize now that just because I had attracted into my life, in the past, people who were untrustworthy, doesn’t mean that I will attract untrustworthy people now! I realize now that, back when I had attracted untrustworthy people into my life, it was because I had been so focused on what I didn’t want, someone who was untrustworthy, that I attracted it by my adding energy into what I hadn’t wanted! I realize now that I will attract a trustworthy person, by my focusing on the fact that I am trustworthy, therefore I will attract a trustworthy person! I am a very loving, non-judgmental, trustworthy person, so I am certain that there are other people out there who are just like me! Since I would love another person unconditionally, I expect that they will also love me unconditionally!

I’m so sorry that I was so harshly judgmental of myself, and also that I had projected that into other people. Please forgive me, Self. I love you, Self. Thank you! Thank you for forgiving me!

I am so sorry that I hadn’t realized this previously, but I know that my future love life will be perfect, and everything that I want it to be, because I have learned this NOW!
I am so grateful that I’ve learned this now! I realize now that my creative work is simply to feel loved, and lovable, and to realize that people are being attracted to my life who are just as wonderful as I am! I can see my life as if it is everything I want it to be, including a close, romantic Love life with someone who is as wonderful as I am! I love myself, so I know I will attract someone who loves me, too! I see people everywhere around me who are drawn to me because of how loving and wonderful I am! I am rejoicing about how great it is to have this new understanding! The Universe always returns to us exactly what we’re “vibrating”, and when I’m “vibrating” love for myself, joy, abundance and peace, the only way it can work is for these things to be brought into my life! I love knowing this! It feels so good to me to know this! I am loveable, and trustworthy, and can love unconditionally, so it is a lucky person who has the privilege to be attracted into my life! I am a loyal lover, and a loyal lover is being drawn to me even now!
Thank you, Self, Thank you, Divine.
Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having known this earlier. Thank you, Self. Thank you, Divine. I so look forward to my new life now! I am so happy to have this knowledge! Thank you, Self! Thank you, Divine!

By Janeen Detrick

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