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Take it Easy

There’s a book out there called “Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle” by Stuart Wilde. The title pretty much says it all, yes? You sure wouldn’t know it by the way people work and live, though, would you? The fact is most people suffer through their work if not their lives. They do what they do because they believe they have to, because they think they should, or because they’re good at it—even in the face of personal unhappiness or financial struggle. In the past, the type of […]

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Both our strengths and our “weaknesses” show us where our potentials are! So often, we fear looking at what we perceive to be our weaknesses, because we think having weaknesses is “bad”! Can you hear the judgment in that? A weakness simply shows us the next skill, or lesson, we need to learn as we climb up the ladder of success! It isn’t “bad”….it’s just a lesson! Questions to ask yourself to uncover new areas of potential are: 1. What do I think is the problem? Define the problem. (“I […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Skills 1-22-2013

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Self Esteem and Confidence

Self Esteem and Confidence Precepts regarding self esteem: 1. Self esteem is derived through taking the action steps that our higher self has inspired us to take! 2. Do baby steps toward that inspired goal DAILY! At least ONE action step per day! 3. Release valuing “the tribal opinion” of what you are choosing to do. “If I only do that which the tribe wants me to do, there will be no societal evolution, and I will not have contributed anything to the growth of consciousness!” 4. Associate NOT doing […]

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Conversational Networking Skills, Part 1

1. Develop “presence” by framing yourself in the door frame before you walk into any room! 2. Posture is a success barometer! Stand straight, walk straight, with your head directly over your body’s core. 3. Light up your eyes when you meet someone! Later, light up your eyes even more, with a full smile, so they feel “accepted” and “approved of”. 4. How to answer this question, “Where do you come from?” A. Follow the city name with an interesting fact, so you give your audience something to pick up […]

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Conversational Networking Skills, part 2

1. Echoing, or Verbiage Matching This is when you listen for the words they use, so that you are using their same terminology. If they talk about their “chalet”, don’t call it a “cabin”! 2. Parroting; Repeat the last phrase, adding a question mark. 3. Refrain from “One Up-manship”! Allow them to have their moment in the spotlight! 4. Making the “grape vine” be your friend; Allow your “target audience” to overhear your compliments! Don’t say them directly! 5. Observe, or watch your target audience, then, even after they are […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 9-14-2010: More Organizational Ideas

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-27-2009: Untapped Skills

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