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The Blueprint Process

In order for you to achieve any goal, you need to have a plan. Everything is first created spiritually (in your mind) before it is created physically. This is why Achieve Today focuses on you getting clarity on what you’re beliefs are. Supportive beliefs lead us in the direction we desire to go. Unsupported beliefs take us in the opposite direction. But once clear, once free of the limiting and sabotaging beliefs, we can begin to take true mindful planning and action towards that which we desire. Critical Commitment: The […]

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Time Management

Step One: Be fully present in the moment! Step Two: Keep your planner, whether electronic or a hand held “hard copy”, near you at all times! Write the redundant things in there at the beginning of the year. Step Three: Buy a spiral notebook, and on the front cover write: The Six Most Important Things to Do List”. Keep this with you at all times! Only those things which move your mission forward belong on this list! Step Four: Flip the notebook over, vertically, and write “Little Rocks List”, or, […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Time is Your Own 12-4-2012

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Time Management 7-31-2012

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-5-2010: Using a Planner

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Protected: Graduate Call 7-6-2010: Time Management Tips

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Time Management Thought Processes

Time Management Thought Processes: YOU WASTE YOUR TIME, YOU WASTE YOUR LIFE! YOUR TIME IS YOUR LIFE! Time Management Tips: 1. Weigh all your activities against whether or not they move your “Life Mission”, or purpose, forward. Permanently delete from your schedule any activity that does not! 2. Organize your activities by “big rock”, “Medium rock” and “little rock” activities. The analogy of putting rocks into a mason jar; If you wait until the end to do the important things, having filled your day with unimportant things, then some of […]

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Protected: Weekly Graduate Call 10-13-2009

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