Ideas for leveraging and expanding your network!

For each facet of your life, (family, significant other, economic concerns, material needs, leisure activities, friendships, spiritual pursuits, civic participation, physical health, education/personal) ask yourself these five questions:

1. What are the roadblocks to accomplishing my goals in this facet?
2. To what three people do I turn for advice or help in this facet of my life? List their names.
3. How are they nurturing, positive and supportive of me in this facet?
4. Whom do I know of (even if not closely) that inspires me by their success in this facet? List their names; shoot for at least five!
5. What skills do they possess that I would like to emulate?

Then, find their contact information, and call them and ask, “I am also an entrepreneur, and your success inspires me. Is there any chance that I could take you out for a cup of coffee, or come in to your office for just 10 minutes, and pick your brain about how you have been so successful in (this facet)??” Wealthy, successful people are successful because they are so nice, people like doing business with them! They will most often be very happy, and flattered, that you asked!

You’ll be amazed at how leveraging your network will help you and inspire you!

Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

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