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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs About Money

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick I. Epiphanies About Money Money is only an energy which the world we live in uses as an expression of appreciation. Money is merely a representation of abundance of every kind; love, health, money; it is all always flowing! The only limitations are in my ability to RECEIVE of the abundance that is always flowing! Everybody can have as much as they want, in direct proportion to how they have learned to vibrate to attract it! There is equilibrium in the universe between giving and […]

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NLP Script – Perspective

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick I don’t feel safe looking at your life because I think what you do can hurt me. I believe what other people do can hurt me. Things outside of me can hurt me. I used to believe that what other people do, think, say, or feel could hurt me. I used to not feel safe when I was looking at other people’s lives. I used to not feel safe when I looked at how other people ran their lives. I used to believe that things […]

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NLP Script – Supplies

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick I used to believe that I can’t have enough supply because I don’t deserve it unless I do things right and well. I have to earn my blessings. I used to think that I was not worthy of money or presents or anything that would cost money, time or effort from other people. I used to think I was not worthy of play, rest and enjoy myself and that I had to work hard for money, harder than I would ever be able to. I […]

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NLP Script – Releasing Abuse from Others

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick I used to believe that I’m here to be abused and taken advantage of by others.  I believed that because there have been numerous situations in my life where others have abused me and taken advantage of me, with the most significant being my father abusing me as a small child and then my not having anyone to protect and take care of me when I told on him. I completely forgive my father, because I know he did the best he could with the […]

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NLP Script – Clearing Guilt

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick   I used to think that everything that happened that wasn’t good was my fault. I used to think that if I had tried harder or been better, it wouldn’t have happened. I used to accept that what my parents told me was true, that I was lazy; I was a dreamer, the absent minded one. “Could have been better” and “it would be better if” were terms that were used about everything I did. So I tried harder and worked harder and tried to […]

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NLP Script – Being Willing to Fail

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick   I am willing to fail.  I am willing to fail spectacularly. I am willing to fail because there is no such thing as failure. It isn’t really failure it’s just the next step that I needed to learn in order to move forward in my life.  I know I won’t be great when I am trying something new. It’s not possible to be great at something the first time out because you’re just learning. I accept that I am just learning. It’s okay with […]

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NLP Script – Parental Control and Opinion

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick   I used to allow my parents to tell me what to do. I used to worry about them worrying about me. I realize now that I’m not in charge of their feelings. If they want to worry, it’s none of my business. I am sorry, self, that I have not cut the umbilical cord sooner. I love myself and I affirm that it is okay for me to have what I want, even though it is different from my parents. I forgive myself that […]

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NLP Script – Forgiveness of Myself and Others

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick   I used to believe that it was hard to trust others to do anything in my world to the level I would do it and that other people were at times the cause of my really big problems. That I didn’t reach my goal because someone screwed up or didn’t do what they said they would do or didn’t do it the way I would do it and I really relied on them.  I used to have this belief that I can’t achieve my […]

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NLP Script – Attracting a Worthy Love Into Your Life

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick   This script can be applied to both men and women. I used to believe that any man I loved would not be emotionally available to me and would be unreliable. My father was not a very good provider, and he often spent money on himself when his children were in need. He would also sit alone in his study, and he preferred his books and music to people. If I wanted his love and attention I had to go and get them. He was […]

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NLP Script – Taking Control of Your Feelings

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick I used to believe that other people can make me feel bad. I believed that because there was a time when I felt hurt by what someone else said. I realize now that we build fortresses around our weaknesses and I was protecting and guarding something that I believed about myself and that they pointed out. I realize now that anytime I am inclined to feel hurt by what someone else has said it is always me that is in agreement with what they said […]

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