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How Can I Get Motivated?

What’s your motive?  What’s your “why?”  What’s your reason? Another way of asking that same question is, “What’s your intention?” Emotion: The word emotions means to cause, or inspire, a person to “emote”, or to “take action”.  Emotion causes you to take action! Ask yourself, “What stirs emotion in me?” “What causes me to FEEL?”, even if I currently am focusing on the problem and not the solution, so that I am feeling badly, rather than empowered? What have I been judging myself for feeling?  What is the cause of […]

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Passion – The FUEL for your life!

Doing what you love, money follows. Differentiate this kind of love, or passion, from craving. The energy of craving comes from a belief in some kind of lack. The passion I’m talking about is the belief in who you are and what you want and love, and is a vibration of life affirming awareness of capacity! But what if you don’t know what you love and are passionate about? Sometimes people don’t know what they are passionate about! And that can feel like a heavy burden, can’t it? Let yourself […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 5-18-2010: How do I Identify My Passions?

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How do I identify my passions?

Personal GROWTH involves discovering what makes YOU tick; What makes YOU happy; What makes YOU feel fulfilled; What makes YOU excited to get up the next day! A “passion” is a combination of something you love, and something that you feel fulfilled doing. Some of those passions may become an avenue through which you can make a lot of money, and some of them may simply be the way you choose to leave a legacy to the world, that says, “I WAS HERE.” But what if you don’t yet know […]

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Get Motivated & Stay Motivated!

Life is like a marathon: some days you can’t wait to get started, while others you struggle to get out of bed. On your best days, you rush to get showered and dressed and you’re out the door with out hesitation. The day feels effortless. You feel superhuman and that nothing can get you down. Then there are those other days when the alarm rings and you’re feeling like sludge with no energy and no motivation and no desire to do anything. This is where you’ll need to dig deep […]

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