Releasing Control of Others, so you can receive all your blessings; Laying Down Resistance.

Repeat after me, “I hereby release control of the rate at which other people are growing.” Yikes! Sound easier said than done?

Let me explain to you why it is SO IMPORTANT that you comprehend it, and relinquish trying to control, manipulate, and change, others.

In universe law, the “Universe” allows everyone to create their life however they want, because the universe realizes that when people live out of their own hearts, they will “self correct” after they experience the consequences of their earlier choices, and therefore, all changes will be INTERNAL changes, which constitute REAL growth.
This principle applies to all relationships, but let’s use the parent /child relationship as an example, since it is so common that parents disallow their children to make any choices.
As a parent, it is our obligation to try to teach our children how to live, but that does not mean that we are supposed to create clones of ourselves through them! Our children are NOT here on earth to please us; They are actually here to build their lives into whatever they want to, the same as we are! As our children mature, we are compelled by good sense to teach them to think through the potential consequences of any choice they may make, before they make it. Help them collect information from all perspectives, but, then…Let them decide! (I’m not talking about very young children.) This is the only way they can learn to THINK….To make choices… build their lives.

By allowing them to be different than you, you will actually cause them to lay down their resistance TO YOU! They won’t feel that they have to push against you to run their own lives, and then the two of you can actually become friends! You will become a resource of information, and they will then welcome your advice, instead of resenting it.

But why, you may ask, is this important for your life, so YOU can receive blessings?
The reason is this;
When you are trying to make other people be just like you (respond like you would; have your belief system; be loyal like you are; be reliable like you are; be pro-peace like you are; not get tattoos because you wouldn’t….etc!) , you are disrespecting a basic universal law; The Law of Allowing, and any resistance to allowing others to build their lives how they want their lives to be, is RESISTANCE. That very resistance puts up a wall, that prevents YOU from being able to receive the blessings that otherwise would flow to you! Think about it; If the Universe lets people build their lives the way they want them to be, shouldn’t you?

In fact, it benefits you the most when you actually embrace that fact that others can be different than you! When you are BLESSING everything, even the things you would never choose to create or attract again, the effect it has is that you have laid down all negative energy within you, and when there is no negative energy within you….You can’t create, or attract, anything negative! Yoo-HOO!

The way to never attract anything negative is to not have any negative energy inside you!

By Janeen Detrick

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