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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Priorities 11-13-2012

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Life Mission Statement

Questions to Light upon your Life Mission, Then, Creating Your Life Mission Statement! How can I figure out what my life mission even is? What if I don’t know? Here are three simple questions that will uncover it for you! Interview to help students find their Mission: I call it my “2x2x2 system”, because each of the three questions will have at least two answers. Questions to ask yourself, in order to “light upon” your personal life mission: 1) What two things (or more!) would you like to see happen, […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Your Mission 11-6-2012

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The dreams which are the subject of this article and assignments are not necessarily the dreams you have while sleeping, although sometimes there’s a correlation! The dreams we are talking about are the dreams you have for your future, which you may have buried. Usually, people bury their dreams, sometimes unconsciously, because they hold tighter to their fears than they do to their dreams! In his book, Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams, Steven K. Scott writes that there are 6 chains that prevent us from being able to convert our […]

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Life Mission Statements

The purpose of a life mission statement is to lift and inspire you! Your purpose doesn’t have to be grandiose in anyone else’s eyes, but if it is grandiose, allow that, too! Assignment: Print out a list of feeling words, adjectives, and power words to help you construct it. 1. Make it in the present tense, as if it already IS accomplished! Not, “I want to….” 2. The WHAT (that you want to accomplish)does belong, however the HOWS (goals) do NOT belong in the mission statement! 3. Opening phrase: “My […]

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Protected: Personal Development Graduate Session 5-24-2011: Mission Statements

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Pondering Your Purpose

Pondering Your Purpose Here are three questions I am asking you to consider: 1. What is it that you want to change in the world? 2. What do you want different? 3. What makes you mad? Basically, “what is your story”. Why are you doing what you are doing? People will invest money in what they are passionate about. It is exactly the problem many people have been having; They have not really completely focused on what their niche is. You have great ideas, but what type of people do […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-10-2010: Life Mission Statements

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Short, Mid, and Long Term Goals

1. Why write them out with a deadline when it doesn’t serve us to be attached to outcome?? To establish priority! Your subconscious mind buys in to giving you energy in this priority, in order to accomplish them in this priority. 2. Short-term goals are from now to about two years from now. 3. Mid-term goals are two years to about five years from now. 4. Long-term goals are from five years, to infinity! 5. Establish goals with the end in mind – Your Life Mission. If that’s overwhelming, think […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 8-3-2010: Value Driven Priorities

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