NLP Script – Releasing Abuse from Others

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

I used to believe that I’m here to be abused and taken advantage of by others.  I believed that because there have been numerous situations in my life where others have abused me and taken advantage of me, with the most significant being my father abusing me as a small child and then my not having anyone to protect and take care of me when I told on him.

I completely forgive my father, because I know he did the best he could with the information he had at the time, and at his then level of evolution.  He was a very weak man and full of his own anger and rage.  My mother was also weak and couldn’t speak up for herself, thus, she couldn’t speak up for or protect me.

I now realize that I am here on this earth to experience joy, happiness and love.  People that I interact with treat me with the utmost respect and love and accept me for the wonderful person that I am.  Living with this belief will allow me to vibrate at a high level and ultimately attract all the things in my life which I desire.

I completely love and accept myself even though I held on to this for so long!  I forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.

I am so proud of myself for realizing that I am here on this earth to experience joy, happiness and love and to be treated with respect and diginity by all others.  I am so grateful that I’ve learned this now!  I realize now that my resposibility is to simply feel my life as if it is everything I want it to be, then forget it and be happy, rejoicing about how great my life is.  Then, it will be.  The Universe always returns to me exactly what I’m vibrating, and when I’m vibrating joy, abundance, peace and love, this is what I will get.  I love knowing this!  It feels good to me to know this.  I now know that I am lovable and here to live a life of abundance and joy!

Thank you, self, for forgiving me for not having learned this earlier. I love you, self. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. I love you.

It is done!

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