Overcoming Limiting Beliefs About Money

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

I. Epiphanies About Money

  1. Money is only an energy which the world we live in uses as an expression of appreciation. Money is merely a representation of abundance of every kind; love, health, money; it is all always flowing! The only limitations are in my ability to RECEIVE of the abundance that is always flowing! Everybody can have as much as they want, in direct proportion to how they have learned to vibrate to attract it! There is equilibrium in the universe between giving and receiving; for someone to be able to give, someone has to receive! If I can only receive, I am impotent to give. If I cannot give, I will not receive! Broke people are usually dominate in one or the other, but have not yet learned the graciousness of both. (Suggested action step to receive: ask some people to do something for you, with no expectations of doing anything back for them. This allows them to genuinely be giving!)
  2. Every time I stop the lateral flow of money out of my experience, and am a stingy tightwad while paying my bills and other people for their products and services, it is an expression of FEAR, and not of gratitude and appreciation! That fear is based in Ego’s desperation for security, which the divinity within me never even thinks about! The Divine is completely courageous, never flinching or worrying that there is not enough! I need to be happy every time I pay a bill, and express gratitude that I have that product or service, willingly hoping that “they” are getting rich! “Thank you, Visa, for all the wonderful things you’ve afforded me!” “Thank you, Mortgage Company, for affording me this home!”
  3. No one else is responsible for manifesting my desires!  Not the government, not my spouse, not my employer, not my parents!  Only I receive my promptings, so only I am responsible for them! It is not even possible for others to manifest my dreams, because the energy of them is only given to ME! Only I, then, can have the attractor energy to manifest them flowing through my chakra system. God-Energy continuously expands and creates; that’s what God-Energy does! And it will never stop! This is why the “naysayers” that think we will run out of resources are completely incorrect; we have nothing to worry about! The universe has always been in a process of changing (evolving and expanding), and it is always balancing its energies!  I will continuously get to new levels, and then desire to expand even further, just like God does! All the while being perfectly content and happy NOW, just KNOWING!
  4. Frugality is NOT a limiting belief! Frugality is good stewardship of what I have currently learned to attract. More is only and always on the way when I am happy with everything NOW, and being happy with what I have now, I never desire (as in crave) anything that I don’t have, so I never desire to spend money that I don’t yet have on trinkets to try to make myself feel good, because I already DO feel good! If someone offers a discount or coupon, that is the value they have placed on their service, so I honor it as their level of belief.
  5. Investing money on that which moves my life’s purposes forward is not coming from a posture of craving, as in lack, but rather that is the energy I am summoning and gathering in order to build and create! Remembering that money is energy, I can always readily and easily recognize the difference between the energy of craving and the energy of creative genius within me!
  6. If I am not manifesting money and other “things” in my life, then I am not yet like God! So, if I’m NOT manifesting, then THAT is the “sin” (missing the target; not hitting the goal), not the other way around! The aesthetics have it backwards! The extent to which I am NOT manifesting is the extent to which I am not yet like God!
  7. Societal evolution is a true principle, and knowledge is built upon knowledge, so most people in society didn’t understand these things about money in years past. Now there is beginning to be enough energy on this understanding, that my grandchildren may well be born knowing this!  This is how instinct and evolution happen; God started it, then our intentions take over from there!

II. P.T.A. – Process Terminology Affirmations

Rewrite all your affirmations as “process terminology affirmations”, so your unconscious mind can buy into them and not throw them out, calling you a liar! If the energy within you doesn’t believe your current affirmation, no matter how positive it sounds, you then create a counter intention, and will be blocked from manifesting.

“I am in the process of becoming a multimillionaire!”
“I am beginning to be a person who…”
“I am learning to become a person who….”
“I am starting to believe that…”
“I am becoming a person who…”

When a belief that you want to make a part of you seems especially far removed from where you are now, STACK the process terminology (“S.P.T.A.”) in your affirmations. Eventually, it will feel more true to you, and you can eliminate the process terminology, as IT WILL BE TRUE in your feelings.

Stacked process terminology affirmations sound like:

“I am in the process of learning to become a person who never thinks about money.”
“I am starting to learn to become a person who is always fully engaged and present in the moment with whatever I am doing now.”
“I am beginning to be a person who is in the process of learning to be happy and calm no matter what other people are doing.”

Ask yourself which feels more true to you right now: “I completely trust that more money is always on the way” or “I am in the process of learning to trust that more money is always on the way!”

Read your process terminology affirmations aloud every day for 30 days, in order to condition the response in your energy field, as your energy field around your body tries to keep you the same. This really serves you after you get where you are going!

III. N.L.R.P. – Neuro-Linguistic Reprogramming Process

Neurons that fire together, wire together, creating neuro-pathways in your brain, bringing you to the same feeling every time, and the vibration of that feeling is what attracts to you everything that you get!  N.L.R.P. uses a logical sequence of thought (so your unconscious won’t call you a liar and throw it out!) to re-program the neuro-pathway that is already in your brain, to bring it to the place of your newly decided upon belief. Using this, you no longer feel conflict, because the previously held belief is transformed into the new belief, rather than merely adding a new one!

Following is the formula for NLRP. Below is the money script example. The formula is the “bones” of how to do it. You fill in the details and expound.  Feel free to rewrite the script to incorporate specifics that more accurately depict your life’s situation.

  1. State the old Limiting Belief.
  2. “I used to believe that………..”Restate the L.B.
  3. “I believed that because …………………..” Exhaust this with every reason for the old belief that you can think of. It will be several sentences.
  4. “I completely forgive___________, (the other person involved, if there is one, or more than one) because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and at their then level of evolution.”
  5. “I now realize that ……..”State your newly chosen belief, with substantiation of why it serves you better and is logical. Exhaust this with every epiphany you have! It will be several sentences.
  6. “I completely love and accept myself even though I held on to this for so long!”
  7. “I forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.”
  8. “I am so proud of myself for realizing that………….. State the newly chosen belief again.
  9. “I know now that……………………. Reiterate the newly chosen belief again.
  10. “Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having learned this earlier. I love you, Self. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. I Love you.”
  11. Close with “It is done.” This consciously informs your unconscious that this is your new intention.

The neuro-pathway is immediately transformed upon completion of the script; however, read it aloud every day for 30 days in order to condition the response in your energy field. The energy field around your body tries to keep you the same, so after you get where you are going, this really serves you!

Example N.L.P. Script About Money

I used to believe that money was hard to get and hard to keep. I believed this because my parents said, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.  Work hard and you’ll be able to have enough money to build a good life.” My parents never had enough money. I always wanted things we couldn’t afford to buy, and was told that those things were unnecessary.  I concluded that wanting “things” was bad, and I was bad for wanting “things”. I believed that it was somehow a “sin” to want to have more than just basic sustenance!  Because of this belief, I even judged people who owned nice things and nice houses and nice cars as being “wicked” and “greedy” people, and figured they must be doing something “wrong”! I realize now that if wanting things were “bad”, then God himself is sinning for his continual creation of things! I also realize that the “spiritual gurus” who taught that wanting things is bad were incorrect, and did not realize that it is the misappropriation of love that makes wanting things bad, not the things themselves, or, again, God himself would be sinning for being such a powerful creator of things! In fact, I realize now that if I am NOT manifesting, then I am NOT like God! I’m so sorry that I was so judgmental. Please forgive me, Self, for my misunderstandings.  I love you, Self. Thank you! Thank you for forgiving me!

I completely forgive my parents, because I know that they couldn’t teach me something they did not themselves know!  They did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and for their then level of evolution. I realize now that knowledge is built upon knowledge, and society didn’t have as much knowledge about the laws of the universe and how the Law of Attraction worked, back when they were being raised.

I realize now that being here when society has this knowledge is likely part of the reason I came into a body now, rather than back then; I wanted to be part of the affluence of society and bless other people by spreading this knowledge, and my parents chose to be born into the “bridge generation” which helped us learn it! I also realize now that the possibility exists that I misinterpreted what my parents meant to teach me, so it could have actually been my perception of what they said that was inaccurate! I also realize now that just because that was their experience, doesn’t mean that it has to be mine!  They got what they got because of what they had been thinking, and it doesn’t mean that’s the way it has to be! We were all born into the right level of societal evolution for the accomplishment of the Divine’s purposes for us and within us.

I completely forgive my parents, and I completely forgive myself.  I realize now that the laws of the universe are designed to support me, and the only thing I have to do is feel good now!  I realize now that all I have to do is look in the direction that I am headed, being aware of what I want, and feel good about it, saying “Thank You” for it as if I already have it! That is my creative work!  The rest of the work is the Divine’s! Then, all I have to do is follow the promptings that the Universe gives me, in the moment! The Divine will order the events of my life to bring it to me!  I am so sorry that I have been trying to do the work of the Divine from a place of Ego’s needs for security and prestige, by pushing hard at what I want in order to try to bully it into happening!  I am also sorry that I had been expecting my spouse to make the money to attract what I wanted!  I realize now that no one else can manifest my dreams, because that inspiration is mine alone, so no one else can have the energy flowing through them to make it happen, but me! If I am not manifesting my dreams, it is blockage within me preventing it from happening, and no other cause. I hereby release all my victimhood about money! I am the “god” of my own life, and if I am not manifesting what I want, only I can realign myself with the divinity within me that is also “out there” and within everything else!

I am so sorry that I have been worrying about money. I can see now that worrying about money means that I am not living in the moment; I am in discord; the moment is now, and my thoughts are, then, in that moment, out there, some days away, when that bill comes due! I resolve from this day forward, to only think about money during the moments I spend writing out the bills, or answering, very sweetly, the calls of the creditors, which is only about 30 minutes per month! I will only think about money during the 30 minutes per month that I actually am present with writing out my bills! If a creditor calls me, I will sweetly bless them for calling, and explain that while I don’t have the money to pay them right now, I will have the money, and the money is on the way, and I fully intend to pay them! I am so happy when creditors call me, because it gives me the opportunity to explain to them that I am in a program where I am learning to attract money into my life, and will be able to pay them. I am so sorry that I hadn’t realized this earlier in my life! I can see that my current financial situation was created in the past, back when I was worrying about money and pushing to try to make money happen.

I completely love and accept myself, even though I held on to these erroneous beliefs about money for so long. I completely forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.

I know that the Universe will respond immediately, right now, in the present, to re-order the events and situations of my life, to begin building for me a beautiful financial life!
I am so sorry that I hadn’t realized this previously, but I know that my future financial life will be perfect and everything that I want it to be, because I have learned this NOW!
I am so grateful that I’ve learned this now! I realize now that my creative work is simply to feel my life as if it is everything I want it to be, then forget it and be happy, rejoicing about how great my life is! THEN, it will be! The Universe always returns to us exactly what we’re “vibrating”, and when I’m vibrating joy, abundance, peace and love, the only way it can work is for more of those things to be brought into my life! I love knowing this! It feels so good to me to know this! Thank you, Self. Thank you, Divine. Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having known this earlier.  Thank you, Self. Thank you, Divine. I so look forward to my new life now! I am so happy to have this knowledge!  Thank you, Self!  Thank you, Divine! It is done.

IV. The Visualization of How Money Really Works

Imagine that the earth is suspended in space, and all the money, representing all abundance of every kind, is up there in the heavens raining down upon us in direct proportion to how we have learned to vibrate to attract it. Each of us are standing on our respective continents, and we are represented by vases, all the same size (receptacles for receiving), that have the holes on the side like plants would be grown in, and our vases vibrate to attract the money that is raining down from God, who owns it all, and freely allows it to flow. Some people have learned to vibrate to attract a huge river of this abundance; some a little trickle.

The holes out the side of our vases represent that we allow it to flow out laterally to other people, for the products and services that we embrace. If we don’t, we stop that flow, and dam up our ability to receive. If some unscrupulous person could manage to get some of it away from us through force, control, connivery, or manipulation, we just let that go, because we know that then we have postured God to be our debtor, not that person, because we are then giving it! Not that we don’t legally hold him accountable, it’s just that energetically, there is no worry or anxiety or energy of revenge within us regarding it, because we know that more is already on the way! We hold him accountable as a show of love toward him, so he can learn and evolve! Besides that, since all the money is God’s anyway, we can’t lose anything because it was never ours! God just allows us to enjoy it flowing through our temporal experience, and more is always on the way!

Now, take this visualization one level deeper: Imagine that our vase, our receptacle for receiving, is SPLIT IN TWO vertically, from the top to the bottom, and one half is standing here in our specific place on the planet, but the other half of our vase has fallen over there somewhere. Now, how much of the abundance that is always flowing can we receive? None, because our receptacle for receiving is broken! This is a visual representing being OUT OF THE MOMENT. When our thoughts are not present in what we are doing now, our receptacle for receiving is broken, and we cannot then, in that moment receive any of the abundance that is always flowing!

Get back in the moment. Get your thoughts right here, right now, not out there to what happened back then, or to what might go wrong in the future! Get back here to right now, where all of the blessings are always flowing! Get your mind back here, offering appreciation right now, for what you are doing and where you are right now! This is your place of attractor power! This is your absence of resistance!  This is your place of abundance, which is always flowing! This moment right now! This is the vibration that attracts money and all abundance into your experience! Feel that vibration of abundance energy flowing into your experience now!

This is the way that money really works, and everything you used to think about money was simply incomplete, incorrect, or inaccurate!

AAAAHHHHH!!!!  Isn’t this refreshing?! Isn’t it wonderful to know how money really works?!

Abide in this knowing. Abide in this knowing now!

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