NLP Script – Perspective

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

I don’t feel safe looking at your life because I think what you do can hurt me. I believe what other people do can hurt me. Things outside of me can hurt me.

I used to believe that what other people do, think, say, or feel could hurt me. I used to not feel safe when I was looking at other people’s lives. I used to not feel safe when I looked at how other people ran their lives. I used to believe that things outside of me could hurt me.

I believed that because when I grew up I was afraid of my parents, especially of my mother. I used to believe that other people could hurt me because my parents where easily angry, screaming, and punishing me, most of the time for things I didn’t even know what I had done wrong. I than learnt to always be prepared for people to lash out, or to do anything I could to avoid people to lash out.

I used to believe this because my mother always turned to me when her life was in misery and I felt I needed to fix her. My mother was always blaming me and my siblings or our father for her mood and bad behavior, and that made me think I could be in charge for somebody else’s life!!

I used to think like this because my grandparents used to say to me that if I behaved bad towards my sister, God would take her away from me and that would be the punish for me since I was a bad girl!! I understood that they were a bit crazy but I got afraid of them and I have been afraid of God!! ever since.

Throughout my life I have been aware of what other people are doing to the extent that I am completely exhausted when I am with other people. I always feel I need to please other, that I need to sooth them, that I need to help or fix their lives. I always thought I was in charge for other people’s feelings. This has made it very difficult for me to be with other people and even my family more than for a little while at a time. This perspective has made it difficult for me to be together with others. It has taken energy and effort from me.

I deeply and completely forgive parents and my grandparents for this because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at that time, and at their then level of evolution.

I completely forgive myself for having bought into it. I realize that it can’t hurt me unless within me are the seeds of agreeing with it!! I completely forgive myself for having believed it.

I now realize that I am the God of my own life experience and nothing anyone does can hurt me. I know now that my vibration is the only thing that creates my life!!!!  Only my fear can hurt me!! I know that I didn’t understand this when I was a child since I was taught how to live my life by my parents and by their limiting beliefs but that I now know so much more about life. I know that my vibration, which is love and gratitude could never hurt me and if I feel afraid I have to look inside of me for what is going on instead of looking outside of me and trying to control others.

I deeply and completely love and accept myself even though I held on to this for so long! I forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.

I am so proud of myself for realizing that I am the God of my own life experiences and nothing anyone does can hurt me. I am so proud of myself for realizing that my vibration is the only thing that creates my life! I am so proud of myself for realizing that only my fear can hurt me! I am so proud of myself for realizing that God is love and love is God.

I know now that I am the God of my own life experiences and nothing anyone does can hurt me. I know now that my vibration is the only thing that creates my life and only my own fear can hurt me. I know that love is God and God is love.

Thank you, self, for forgiving me for not having learned this earlier. I love you, self. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you! I love you! I love you!

It is done!

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