NLP Script – Forgiveness of Myself and Others

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick


I used to believe that it was hard to trust others to do anything in my world to the level I would do it and that other people were at times the cause of my really big problems. That I didn’t reach my goal because someone screwed up or didn’t do what they said they would do or didn’t do it the way I would do it and I really relied on them.  I used to have this belief that I can’t achieve my goals without others help, and that it is tough to find others with the character, the motivation and the ethics to trust to help me. Why would they want to play at that level to help me accomplish my dreams? If they were that good they would be putting that energy into their own dreams.  I used to believe that people were judging me and forming opinions about me unfairly and that they were wrong (and I was right) and that they were choosing sides and that sometimes they would sabotage me because of their opinion. They were either with me, and would do their very top notch work for me, or they were against me. Worse yet, I used to believe that there were people around me that just didn’t care enough to do what was right and put in the time and effort needed.

I used to believe that because when I was young my mom would say one thing and then do something different. My mom would tell me that she would pick me up at a certain time or be back at a certain time and then not be there, or she would talk negatively about other people or she would change the price tags on merchandise and buy it for less. I used to people were not trust worthy because my accountant did things in a way that I couldn’t understand or couldn’t see what was going on and then I had bad financial issues. I used to believe people couldn’t be trusted because one of my best friends and best man (________) got involved in a family issue and turned against me to side with my mom. This belief would get reinforced with the staff I have or did have in the past when they didn’t do the job at the level I expected. This belief got reinforced when ____________came to work for me and did actions to loose my trust and the teams trust, proving that he was untrustworthy, unethical and unproductive.

I completely forgive my mom because I know she did the best she could with the information she had at the time, and at her level of evolution.

I completely forgive ______________because I know he did the best he could with the information he had at the time, and at his level of evolution. He meant well and was doing what he believed was right at the time.

I completely forgive __________because I know he did the best he could with the information he had and the paradigms he had about accounting at that time, and at his level of evolution at that time.

I completely forgive ___________because I know he truly did the best they could with the information he had at the time and his current limiting beliefs that he had at that time, and at his level of evolution at that time. I forgive him, I love him and I pray for wisdom for him.

I now realize that I am 100% responsible for my goals, my successes, my business, my relationships, my thoughts, feelings and actions and that we are all doing the best we can do with the information we have and the beliefs we have. People around me only act in accordance with their thoughts, feeling beliefs and attitudes and act in accordance to my vibration when they are in my presence. People are basically good and want to do well, to please and succeed. I am only responsible for my vibration of gratitude, joy and love of self and others. If I have those things and am those things, the people around me will bend over backwards to do what’s right. I have no control over them; I only have control over my vibration. That is my only job!

I am so grateful to have the right people around me. I attract all the right people, divinely sent to me to help carry out my purpose. I attract people just like me with high integrity, high vibration, who are reliable, life affirming, teachable, kind, selfless and loving individuals who take 100% responsibility for everything in their life, who love to serve and to work with me completely synergistically for the greatest good of all, and especially those directly in front of us. I can now see that my trouble with finding the right people to help me serve was cause be my limiting beliefs in the past and my judgment and control of people. I completely love and accept myself, even though I held those erroneous beliefs about people in general for so long. I completely forgive myself for not having realized or learned this earlier. I will from this day forward allow all people in my life to be exactly who they are and where they are in their life path and evolution. I have faith that any partner I bring on, staff that I hire or subcontractor that I work with are divinely connected and do and say exactly what is needed (when it is needed) and to whom it is needed! I know the universe will respond immediately, right now, in the present, to re-order the events and situations of my life, to bring all the right people into my life that will help me to attract the life I want and am called to.

I am so proud of myself for learning that I am not in control of the people around me and that we are all doing the very best we can with what information and beliefs we have, and that it is Divine to allow people to be who they are and where they are in there evolution and to salute and honor the Divinity within them. And now that I know my only job is to be 100% responsible for my vibration and to honor the Divinity with in others, I can relax and truly allow and be happy, grateful and joyous for the everyday unfolding of this blessed life that I’ve been given. I love knowing this!

Thank you, Self. Thank you, Devine. I feel so grateful and blessed for my new life NOW! I am so happy to have this knowledge! Thank you Self! Thank you Divine!

It is done.

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