NLP Script – Being Willing to Fail

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick


I am willing to fail.  I am willing to fail spectacularly. I am willing to fail because there is no such thing as failure. It isn’t really failure it’s just the next step that I needed to learn in order to move forward in my life.  I know I won’t be great when I am trying something new. It’s not possible to be great at something the first time out because you’re just learning. I accept that I am just learning. It’s okay with me if I’m not good at something right away. I realize that trying new things means that I’m growing; trying new things means that I’ve left my comfort zone and entered my courage zone. I don’t mind failing because it isn’t really failure. Being bothered by failure means that I’m attached to a certain outcome. And I don’t get attached to outcomes, because I know that the divinity within me gives me promptings about all of the things in my life that I want, and I always get to do what I want. The reason why I get a prompting may not be for the outcome I expect. Just because I get a business idea doesn’t mean that it will make me rich. Maybe the reason the divine gave me that prompting wasn’t because of the success it might bring, but maybe it was because of who I would meet and who knows what meeting that person might bring. So if the business loses money, so what. It wasn’t intended to make money! And more money is always flowing! I’m not attached to outcome because I don’t know the reason for the prompting. The outcome is none of my business. I completely trust the divinity within me. I am excellent at listening to the divinity within me, and I follow the promptings immediately when I receive them. External voices that tell me what I “shouldn’t” do are the very definition of ego.

It is done!

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