
Karma is a thing

The following is a transcript of an inspiration received by Janeen J. Detrick, on Feb. 7, 2012. Karma is a thing. I cannot call it a “real” thing because real is only that which is eternal, and Karma does cease to be, therefore it is not actually “real”, because it is not eternal. Karma is created in the egoic mind field, and a person gets trapped in the egoic mind field until they transcend and release their Karma. Transcending and releasing their karma means they transcend the egoic mindfield, and […]

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A Course In Miracles

Synopsis of Lessons 1-10. By Janeen J. Detrick 1. My egoic mind projects meaning onto everything it sees. The pictures it sees, which are stored in the unconscious mind, have no meaning at all in and of themselves! But my past experiences cause me to add meaning to it, and I do this by using words to describe the pictures. Words and language that I have learned always color my interpretation of the meaning. 2. Because this meaning is always based on past experiences, they are never accurate! Because it […]

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Select thoughts, OR NOT!

Do you think you’re the victim of your thoughts? You think you have no control, and whatever your thoughts are, you think you can’t help it; “This is just the way I AM”, you say. NONSENSE! Did you know that there’s NO SUCH THING as “the way I AM”? As if something outside of you INFLICTED IT upon you, and you’re just the victim of it! You actually get to RE-INVENT YOURSELF! Decide how you WANT TO BECOME, and choose to think thoughts and take actions that move you in […]

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How can I tell the difference between “Divine Inspiration” and “My Ego”??

Basically, the answer is so simple; SO simple! Ego is exterior motivation Edging God Out! INSPIRATION means “in” and “Spirit”. Spirit means breath. That which comes from within and gives you the breath of life! That is divine inspiration! If it depresses you, it didn’t come from God. If it makes you judge someone else as being “bad”, it doesn’t come from God, because God loves us all and sees everybody’s perspective! If it makes you feel fear, it didn’t come from God! Now, Please understand that when you first […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Select Thoughts or Not 4-17-2012

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Voice of the Devine 4-10-2012

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Quantum Physics in PD 4-3-2012

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Staying In the Question: Everything is just an interesting point of view!

When you allow the Universe to spontaneously light the answer upon your mind, it eliminates expectations and attachment to outcome! It also eliminates your trying to figure it out; Let the Universe bring you the answer! You cease trying to figure out “how”. STAY IN THE QUESTION! Just keep asking more questions! Here are some examples: 1. How does it get any better than this? 2. How does more money flow to me? 3. What else is possible? 4. What am I unwilling to see? 5. What about this have […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 3-27-12: Staying in the Question

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The Steps in Conflict Management

Step One: Prepare A. Write a list of concise bullets points of what you want to communicate, using “I Feel” language! (No “YOU” language!) This preparation helps you be concise, so you don’t ramble on and on, chasing rabbits and never getting to the point! B. Rate each item on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being strong energy, so you are prepared for compromise, if necessary. Step Two: Set an appointment! No emotional dumping! Just because you feel like saying it, doesn’t mean that is a good time […]

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