A Course In Miracles

Synopsis of Lessons 1-10.
By Janeen J. Detrick

1. My egoic mind projects meaning onto everything it sees. The pictures it sees, which are stored in the unconscious mind, have no meaning at all in and of themselves! But my past experiences cause me to add meaning to it, and I do this by using words to describe the pictures. Words and language that I have learned always color my interpretation of the meaning.
2. Because this meaning is always based on past experiences, they are never accurate! Because it isn’t what is present! The mind of God always sees what IS, now, not what used to be! The mind of God doesn’t need to use words to add meaning; It just sees what is, and finds no use in adding meaning. The mind of God KNOWS WHAT IS, and therefore doesn’t ever assess, or judge! One only applies assessment or judgment if one doesn’t KNOW.
3. Adding meaning drives me crazy! Above all else, I want to learn to “see” the way God “sees”; without adding meaning. This is why God loves everyone and everything all the time; “He” isn’t assessing and judging and adding meaning!
4. The mind of God, which is who we really are, sees everything in the present tense, understanding with perfect knowledge, what IS. That is KNOWING.
5. When I no longer project the past onto the present, and no longer add meaning to “it”, I will no longer be assessing, and looking for “good” or “bad” interpretations, then I will be seeing from the perspective God has, KNOWING all things, and I will be free!

A Course In Miracles
Synopsis of Lessons 11-16.
By Janeen J. Detrick
1. My thoughts (meaning the thoughts from the little self, egoic mind field) are never neutral. They are always based on past experiences, and then I assess if what they make me see is “good” or “bad”, so I am always judging!
2. Those thoughts are projections taken from the pictures which are stored in the unconscious mind, and then I (little self, again) add words to them, to describe them, and these become my thoughts. So, my thoughts are just pictures and symbols which I have described. I’m not alone in this…we all share this mind field, through the strings of energy! That’s what an “archetype” is…a shared interpretation of pictures and symbols, carried on the strings of energy in the egoic mind field.
3. Therefore, my egoic thoughts are actually meaningless! Especially since they all come from the past anyway!
4. Upon hearing that news, my ego trembles….It, my ego, doesn’t want the world it’s thoughts have created to be meaningless! The ego doesn’t want to die! But I (my higher Self this time!) DO want it to die, as it contains all the problems!
5. Since the thoughts “that” ego generates are never neutral, and are always assessing whether something is “good” or “bad”, that’s why there is no peace in the way the ego creates the world; It’s always one or the other….never just PEACE.
6. I (my higher Self again) want genuine peace, therefore, I want to suspend thinking as I currently do it, and learn to “see” the way God does! Therein is my freedom!

A Course In Miracles
Lessons 17-27, synopsis
By Janeen J. Detrick

1. I (little egoic self) attack myself by believing that I am so weak, that people and events can hurt me.
2. I disrespect myself because I feel so weak and vulnerable.
3. I project into events, and also into other people, that they can hurt me. This is an attack on them! So, I’m afraid they’ll attack me back!
4. If I believed that I could not be hurt, then I would not be afraid of events and people!
5. I am judging an event, or an experience, as “being bad”, because I think it can hurt me.
6. If I were not judging “that” as being a “bad experience”, I would not be afraid.
7. If I were not afraid that “something bad” could happen to me, then no one and no “thing” could cause me anxiety, and I would be happy!

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