Staying In the Question: Everything is just an interesting point of view!

When you allow the Universe to spontaneously light the answer upon your mind, it eliminates expectations and attachment to outcome! It also eliminates your trying to figure it out; Let the Universe bring you the answer! You cease trying to figure out “how”.

STAY IN THE QUESTION! Just keep asking more questions!

Here are some examples:

1. How does it get any better than this?
2. How does more money flow to me?
3. What else is possible?
4. What am I unwilling to see?
5. What about this have I made significant?
6. What would it take for____________ to happen, or to come into my life?
7. Is this feeling a fact? Really? Or is it just a perception? Could I let this go?
8. What emotion have I made real, intense, and significant?
9. When having any discomfort, ask, “Where does this come from?” Am I willing to uncreate and destroy this energy? (Visualize identifying where in your body you feel that energy. Then, pull it out, and chop it up with your business card, until it’s pulverized, and just F L O A T S away!)
10. What emotion have I made real, intense, and significant?
11. What if it all works out?
12. Is this thought a fact, or just a perception?
13. Am I defined by my situation?
14. How do you wish it would go?
15. What are the infinite possibilities?

Doesn’t the question feel lighter than when you try to figure out the answer?

By Janeen J. Detrick


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