
Protected: PD Grad Call – Three Universal Laws 5-8-2012

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Living in the Moment

John Sims, a Crown Diamond in Amway, taught, “What do you think about when you don’t have to think? If you can conquer that, then you will always be ‘in the moment’.” Thich Naht Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness, 1975 Story of Thich Naht Hanh and the doing of dishes. At first, he hated doing the dishes! After he learned to be present with the dishes, keeping his mind on them, observing them, and noticing the prisms they created on the walls, and the colors in their paint, he began […]

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Judgment Verses Discernment

The reason I decided to conduct a group call on this subject, is because I hear so many students express their confusion about how to “live the law of allowing”. They get confused about how they can make choices for their life, but also allow other people to be who THEY are. They have a tendency to equate “being allowing” with not “judging” others, so they end up feeling guilty when they even attempt to discern if they want a certain person in their life! They think they are required […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Judgment vs Discernment 5-1-2012

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Transformational Questions About Money

These are all quotes by Gary Douglas, of So how many areas of your life are in a stuck place because you have come to a conclusion that money is the solution to the question you actually haven’t asked yet? What is interesting is that when we start to make choices in the direction of our desires, money seems to show up magically! Have you ever noticed that? It’s because we have shifted our energy into creating and generating what we desire, rather than waiting for money to show […]

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Begin With the End in Mind

I recently read from Steven R. Covey – The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. The one thought that stood out to me as something that can be applied to your coaching program is simply this: “Begin With The End In Mind.” So what does it mean exactly to Begin With The End In Mind? Simply put it means that if you intend to succeed in your coaching program or any other area of life, you absolutely without question need to KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO GET out of […]

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Clearing Methods

A synopsis by Janeen J. Detrick Here are some of the different ways to diffuse negative feelings, and release limiting beliefs: 1. Ho-O-Ponopono (In the elective class, “Clearing Limiting Beliefs, Part 1”, I take people through my visualization of HOW this works, so they can fully understand it.) 2. Welcome the feeling; Don’t resist feeling it! Welcome it! 3. Dive into it! This dissolves it if it is negative! It doubles it when it’s positive. 4. Mentally try to magnify the negative feeling, so you can feel it more! This […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Clearing Limiting Beliefs 4-24-2012

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 4-23-12

Questions answered on this call: How do I set my intentions to the Universe and create an action list and then let go of the “how”? What is the difference between these 2 different forms or techniques that Joe references in an audio of his: and ?

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The Clearing Statement

By Janeen J. Detrick The clearing statement being reviewed in this article is the clearing statement taught by This statement was given to Gary Douglas by inspiration, as a way of completely annihilating and clearing the energy of any belief, thought process, or feeling that you desire to release and clear. At this point in time, the statement has enough energy on it in the mindfield that it carries an energetic imprint, and instantly works! It’s very powerful! Here’s the way it works: 1. Ask yourself, “Am I willing […]

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