Select thoughts, OR NOT!

Do you think you’re the victim of your thoughts? You think you have no control, and whatever your thoughts are, you think you can’t help it; “This is just the way I AM”, you say.

Did you know that there’s NO SUCH THING as “the way I AM”? As if something outside of you INFLICTED IT upon you, and you’re just the victim of it!

You actually get to RE-INVENT YOURSELF! Decide how you WANT TO BECOME, and choose to think thoughts and take actions that move you in the direction of becoming exactly what you are choosing!

In addition to realizing that you are not the victim of your thoughts, I also want you to realize that they aren’t even YOUR THOUGHTS!
There are myriad books out there that detail the science of the energy fields that surround us all. Two of my favorites are The Field, by Lynne Mctaggart, and also The Biology of Belief, by Bruce H. Lipton. These books teach us that the thoughts are not even inside our heads! They float around like strings, or waves, of energy, out there in the energy field, and each one of us pick up on the energy of the thoughts that are floating by, based on the vibration that we are currently in. When we raise our vibration through gratitude, we automatically pick up on higher vibrational thoughts!
So, this begs the question, how did the thoughts get “out there”? When we resonate the energy of a thought we had picked up on for 17 to 20 seconds, then the strings of energy in our cells align with that frequency, and shoot out into the energy field! Then, they vibrate to attract the exact matching vibration, or wave, pattern, in order to bring back to you exactly what you were “vibrating” about!
Notice, then, that all of us together have sent thoughts into the energy field, creating it the way it is!
What this means is….THEY ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS! You are, however, CHOOSING which ones you are going to hold for that 17 to 20 seconds! You could just as easily let those thoughts float right on by, NOT choosing to think them, as to choose to think them!
Make sense?

Isn’t it good news that IT ISN”T YOU??!! Therefore, you can choose NOT to select the thoughts that “occur” to you, or that you have noticed in your vibrational field. Just don’t select them! After all, they aren’t YOU! So, why select thoughts that aren’t something you desire, or choose?

There is a common limiting beliefs regarding this, that I would like to dispel RIGHT NOW: Sometimes, we think that when we are “fixed”, or “clear”, we won’t EVER AGAIN get a negative thought! We think that if we did get a negative thought, there must still be “something wrong with us.” SO….We go chasing yet another “clearing method”, or “process”, or “tool”….effectively re-creating the need to chase something , because if we are CHASING in this moment, what will we be creating for the next moment? MORE CHASING!
I like this quote from the Buddha; “Imagine my surprise when, entranced in bliss, I observed negative thoughts floating by. I could have selected them……but chose NOT TO.”

If even the Buddha was still aware of negative thoughts, you can be sure that there is nothing wrong with you IF YOU “GET” A NEGATIVE THOUGHT! They are not YOU….So don’t make them significant by choosing to think them!

Simply choose to UNSELECT IT, and let it float RIGHT ON BY!!!!!

Peace be with you.

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