The Transformational Trilogies

By Dr. Janeen Detrick The 3 Universal Laws The Law of Attraction The Law of Allowing The Law of The Moment The Law of Attraction ...


Conference Call with Joe Vitale 1-30-17

Questions discussed on this call: 1. You tell a lot of stories in your books. What is the advantage to using stories instead of just giving facts? 2. I have been trying to ask the universe for “this or something better”. How do I know if what is showing up is actually better or not? 3. What is meant by the inner child? Is this the same as my subconscious or my inner being? 4. Do you have any recommendations for making highly effective vision boards? 5. Do I have […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 12-20-16

Questions discussed on this call: 1. The more I try to go forward, the less it seems I understand or grasp concepts of the Law of Attraction. What’s the most important thing for me to know? 2. How do I change my belief that it is really hard to make money? 3. What is the most reliable indicator that I’ve cleared a limiting belief? 4. Is there an absolutely guaranteed way to program your subconscious mind so that you can manifest what you desire? 5. How do you regain confidence […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 11-28-16

Questions discussed on this call: How Effective Is listening to a recording of Ho’oponopono? Should the recording be in my own voice? What do you do when you don’t feel that clearing methods are “working” for you? Will you teach us about the concept of “benestrophe” (From the book, “Instant Manifestation”)? I feel guilty when I think about my life’s mission, because, in a way, it feels like what I want is selfish. Is this normal? There are 2 core concepts surrounding the issue of Getting Clear. One is being […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-24-16

Questions discussed on this call: How does karma relate to the Law of Attraction? If my actions decide whether good or bad things happen to me, how can I manifest what I want−Isn’t it already decided for me? When it comes to money and the Law of Attraction, is it better to focus on getting a specific amount of money, or to focus on the things money can provide? How do I manifest beauty and talent using the law of attraction? Do you have a specific prayer or mantra that […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-26-16

Questions discussed on this call: What is it about the human condition that causes the majority of people to feel “Unworthy” or “Undeserving”? I do well operating at a survival, or subsistence, level but anything above leads to self sabotage. What’s the fastest way to accelerate the quantum experiences of people’s lives towards a greater collective purposeful consciousness? When did you first hear about the law of attraction, and what drew you to it? How did you motivate yourself to continue on your path of learning, even when you had […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 8-22-16

Questions discussed on this call: Can you Nevillize something you DON’T Want? In other words, visualize your life being without something that you are currently experiencing. How do I figure out what I want? Every time I sit down to make my list of wants, I either can’t think of anything or I find myself saying that I have everything I want. I’ve been studying The Law of Attraction for a really long time, but my greatest desires haven’t manifested. I get smaller related manifestations, and I can tap into […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 7-18-16

Questions discussed on this call: What’s your belief about Astrology and Numerology? How do those philosophies fit in to law of attraction? I’d like to win the lottery. Part of me feels guilty because playing the lottery doesn’t require a lot of effort on my part. Do you place the lottery on the level as gambling? In metaphysics we believe that our experiences are attracted to us based on perceptions and beliefs. A student recently experienced a suicide in his family. He is struggling to see how his beliefs could […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-20-16

We covered as many of the following questions as possible during this call: What is the best way to insure permanence through clearing? How do you insure that you don’t re-attach to a limiting belief? What are your favorite ways to unleash your creativity? Does repetitive visualization increase certainty, or does it trigger doubt in the subconscious mind? How can a person be proactive, even if they are feeling helpless in the face of tragedy? How do I speed up the money manifesting process? What are the spiritual reasons why […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 5-16-16

Questions discussed on this call: Trauma and PTSD, seems to be prominent themes in self-help circles currently. Does Ho’Oponopono work for PTSD in your experience? Any other recommendations? When Nevillizing, how much time do I need to hold the mental picture with feeling to be effective? How does a person go about discovering their life purpose? Is there a way to put a permanent end to self doubt and limiting beliefs? How does one move from the fear-driven culture to one of peace and love? Earl Nightingale said that one […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 4-25-16

Questions discussed on this call: Words have energy in their meaning. Which 3 words are the most meaningful to you and why? Are there specific symbols or other talismans that you carry with you for energetic or creative purposes? How do you get an idea to go from your head to your heart, so it’s not only a sensible thing to do, but also a spiritual endeavor? Do you have “invisible advisors”? – If so, do you feel comfortable sharing who some of them are, and why you chose those […]

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