Karma is a thing

The following is a transcript of an inspiration received by Janeen J. Detrick, on Feb. 7, 2012.

Karma is a thing. I cannot call it a “real” thing because real is only that which is eternal, and Karma does cease to be, therefore it is not actually “real”, because it is not eternal.

Karma is created in the egoic mind field, and a person gets trapped in the egoic mind field until they transcend and release their Karma.

Transcending and releasing their karma means they transcend the egoic mindfield, and live in their divinity.

That is what it means to become a buddha (awakened one).

You have no more Karma. Karma ceases to exist. Karma is just an egoic mindfield thing.

You don’t have to repeat lessons or anything once you transcend Karma.

Karma is that which keeps us trapped in the cycle of coming back and learning and learning and learning.

Karma is in the egoic mind field. Transcend the egoic mind field, and you transcend karma, and you are free.

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