Transformational Questions About Money

These are all quotes by Gary Douglas, of

So how many areas of your life are in a stuck place because you have come to a conclusion that money is the solution to the question you actually haven’t asked yet?
What is interesting is that when we start to make choices in the direction of our desires, money seems to show up magically!
Have you ever noticed that? It’s because we have shifted our energy into creating and generating what we desire, rather than waiting for money to show its beautiful face.
Would you be willing to ask some more questions so that other possibilities could show up and you can see how money is not the only generative energy in our universe?
What energy space and consciousness can I and my body be today that will create and generate infinite possibilities for expansion with …………?
What grand and glorious adventures can I be, do, have, create and generate today?
What is the value of allowing the energy of no money to be greater than the possibilities I could create and generate today and in the future? What would it take for me to outcreate this?
So, if you look at your life or your business, what ‘oh so comfortable’ fantasies and delusions do you have about what having more money would solve?
Would you be willing to look at all of the other possibilities for how you could create what you desire without the money showing up right now?
Are you making the demand?
What if money wasn’t the issue here?
Have you ever noticed that whether people are “rich” or “poor” they still have issues with money? Have you ever wondered what that is all about?
In this reality we place so much significance on money that we forget it’s just a form of energy.
If all of us could make choices based on joy instead of making choices based on money can you imagine how different our planet could be? What would you change?
Here’s the first thing to know: our choices create our reality; our reality does not create our choices. This is why both the rich and poor worry about money. It’s a choice!! Can you believe it? All this time you’ve been worrying about money instead of making the demand to have a whole lot more of it with ease…
So, everywhere you have just made yourself wrong for your money situation, would you be willing to uncreate and destroy it all?? (CLEARING STATEMENT! )Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, all 9, shorts, boys and beyond.
So, money isn’t the issue, but you not making the demand for change in your financial situation just may be part of it! When we make the demand to change our reality with money, it will change. When you get so clear that your money situation MUST change (without limiting HOW it should change!), money hears your request and you start to have new possibilities show up. This is called making the psychic demand for change.
If money wasn’t the issue, what would you choose right now? Would you be willing to make the demand to have that in your life?? No matter what it takes?? Kewl!…

What are you going to choose? Not when you have the money… NOW!!! And anything that doesn’t allow you to choose right now, would you POD & POC that? (CLEARING STATEMENT! )Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

Presented by Janeen J. Detrick

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