
Protected: PD Grad Call – Discovering New Potentials 5-29-2012

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Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life; Living the Wisdom of the Tao

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer A synopsis in poetry form by Janeen J. Detrick Accomplish everything you could desire never striving; Peace require! Choosing happiness is The Way Do happiness now; Decide today! Be creative and with caution Strength under control is meekness Meakness is not weakness. Knowing who you really are Seek guiding others who are seeking The simple life is where it’s at! Attachment to things you create blocks that. Everything happens just as it should No matter how tough, you would will that it would! Question all you […]

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Uncovering New Potentials

There are three primary indicators of our soul’s purpose: 1. What obstacles have you repeatedly faced? There’s a lesson in there that your soul intended to learn! Which means, of course, that you didn’t previously know how to do it more effectively! You know where self sabotage comes from? It comes from the fact that you haven’t learned that thing yet, but WANT TO! So, there’s a script in your head that says, “I never do that right”, because that is why you’re here! 2. What are you so good […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 5-21-12

Questions answered on this call: Joe, how do I overcome the block that I cannot receive money? Are there some common blocks that I may have missed other than what is in Attract Money Now? How do I make the law of attraction effortless and natural? What are some good tools to overcoming the fear of doing something new? I am in sales and I would like to know if you have some sales tools that I can use to increase the money that I make. I have heard a […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – The Ten Truths 5-22-2012

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Protected: PD Grad Call: Keys to Permanant Change 5-15-2012

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The Nine Steps to Making Permanent Change

1) Positive Energy Awareness Exercise: Remember a time when you felt powerful and successful! Describe where in your body you felt that energy. Also describe if it has a color, if it moves, spins, is solid, translucent, if it is a wave or a ball or a square, how big it is; Notice the qualities of this energy, and where you feel it in your body. 2) Negative Energy Awareness Exercise: Now, contrast that energy with where and how you experience the energy of negative emotions; Where do you hold, […]

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Do You Know Your Customer?

Knowing something about your customer is just as important as knowing your product. On a national sports radio program recently, the two talk show hosts were discussing star quarterback Peyton Manning and the enormous impact he is having in his new football home, Denver. They mentioned that Manning had already learned the entire playbook, but even more interesting was the fact that he learned the names of the entire press group and knows as much as he could about them and their families. One show host opined how “brilliant” that […]

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Lou Holtz’s 3 rules of life

From Mr. Harvey McKay “Everybody needs four things in life: Something to do, someone to love, someone to believe in and something to hope for.” I wish I had said that, but it was my very close friend Lou Holtz. I recently invited Lou to speak to a professional group I am mentoring and he was his usual outstanding self. It’s no wonder that the Washington Speakers Bureau calls Lou one of the best speakers in the world. I’ve heard Lou speak a hundred times, and he still amazes me […]

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Living the Universal Laws; Points to Ponder

There are only three Universal Laws, and this article is intended to assist you in living them! By Janeen J. Detrick These are important truths to comprehend: Numbers 1 through 3 are the three universal laws. The additional numbers are all just advice that assists you in LIVING the laws! For marketing purposes, some gurus call everything a law! But the truth is very simple, and the simpler it is, the closer to universal truth it is! 1. The Law of Attraction is that “like attracts like”. This means that […]

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