The Clearing Statement

By Janeen J. Detrick

The clearing statement being reviewed in this article is the clearing statement taught by

This statement was given to Gary Douglas by inspiration, as a way of completely annihilating and clearing the energy of any belief, thought process, or feeling that you desire to release and clear. At this point in time, the statement has enough energy on it in the mindfield that it carries an energetic imprint, and instantly works! It’s very powerful!

Here’s the way it works:
1. Ask yourself, “Am I willing to uncreate and destroy the energy of that?”
This is because you have to be WILLING to change! If you are resistant and want to keep it longer, you can clear on that stubbornness! But it is just your choice. You don’t even have to understand or analyze the energy; you just have to be willing to destroy that energy!
2. After you affirm your willingness, say the clearing statement (I’ll explain what it means in a minute!) “Right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all 9’s, shorts, boys, and beyonds!”

Memorize it! Write it out in a big, pretty font, and print it! Hang one on your bathroom mirror; Hang one at your desk; Hang one on your fridge! So you can use it any time you want to destroy and uncreate whatever energy you are wanting to uncreate and destroy!

Okay: Here’s what the clearing statement means:
Right and Wrong is a reference to: Everything you had judged as being right about that way of thinking, or everything you had judged as being wrong about that way of thinking, are you willing to uncreate and destroy that point of view?

Good and Bad: Is a reference like the one above, but refers to whatever you thought made you “good” for thinking or being that way, and whatever you judged as being “bad” about thinking or being that way. Are you willing to uncreate and destroy that point of view?

POC AND POD: Point of Creation and Point of Destruction. No matter when you created that point of view, even if it was from a past life, would you be willing to allow this moment now to be the point of destruction of that way of thinking or being?

All 9’s: This is a reference to all nine layers and levels of perceiving things. Examples of the different layers and levels are: Your parents looking at you as a child, wondering if you would think or be this way; You looking at your parents, wondering if you should be this way; You looking at society, wondering if you will be accepted by them if you think this way; Society looking at you, wondering if they want you to be that way, ETC, ETC, ETC!

Shorts and boys, together, are a reference to “nucleated spheres”. Nucleated spheres refer to how you have allowed that belief or energy to spill over into and affect the other aspects of your life. For example, an event with a friend back in high school could be affecting how you get along with female co-workers at work. It affects the other areas of your life! Are you willing to uncreate and destroy all of them?

Beyonds: AND ANY OTHER WAY IN WHICH YOU HAVE MADE THIS ENERGY SIGNIFICANT THAT YOU CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE! Are you willing to uncreate and destroy everything beyond what you can currently imagine about this?

Now, you know what the clearing statement means! USE IT!! It obliterates the energy of anything you choose to obliterate! And it’s fun to get clear-FAST!

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