Begin With the End in Mind

I recently read from Steven R. Covey – The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. The one thought that stood out to me as something that can be applied to your coaching program is simply this: “Begin With The End In Mind.”

So what does it mean exactly to Begin With The End In Mind?

Simply put it means that if you intend to succeed in your coaching program or any other area of life, you absolutely without question need to KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO GET out of whatever it is you’re planning to DO. It’s essential to have a clear picture of where you want to end up at the end of your program or at the end of your journey toward one goal or another.

This is very important for your success and reaching your goals from several aspects. However I only want to spend time on two.

1. “Knowing What You Want Will Direct Your Actions.”

In other words, you wouldn’t use a cake recipe if what you really want is a Lasagna.
People who decide they are ready to successful do so for a variety of reasons.
But no matter how similar or how different the reasons may be, one thing is
consistent, REASONS. And reasons always direct actions. Knowing what you want and why will shape your reasons.
It’s important that your actions support your reasons for doing something and also reflect your desired outcome. For that to happen, you simply must “Begin With The End In Mind.”

2. “We Get What We Think About.”

Whether we believe it or not, understand it or not, embrace it or not, or flat out reject it; the fact remains that, “We Get What We Think About.”

The life you are living today is the direct result of your own past thoughts.

So then, if you want to be rich, visualize yourself as being rich as a result of your efforts.

If you want to help others, visualize the many individuals whose lives will be made better as a result of your efforts to help them.

Again, “Begin With The End In Mind.”

We’ve all heard the saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Unfortunately the universe doesn’t work that easily. In order to achieve anything worth achieving you must first believe that the achievement it is possible. And when you set out to achieve it, see yourself as having already achieved whatever it is you are setting out to do. See yourself as having reached the goal you are trying to accomplish.

After all, if the achievement were not possible, you would never have been able to imagine it or would have never had the desire to go through the process in the first place. The universe doesn’t play tricks on mankind. Inspiration is always backed by possibility.

The very feelings that pull you in the direction of your desire, which is FORWARD TOWARD THE DESIRED OUTCOME, those very feelings exist because in your mind, “Your Successful You”, the you in your subconscious, has already achieved the goal, and is merely waiting for the physical you to catch up!!!

But to do that you have to begin and take action. You cannot wait around wondering when it’s going to happen. And when you do begin, by all means… “Begin With The End In Mind”!!!!

Remember, that vision of your success will lead to do the things that are necessary to reach your goals.

By Gregory Downey

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