

The dreams which are the subject of this article and assignments are not necessarily the dreams you have while sleeping, although sometimes there’s a correlation! The dreams we are talking about are the dreams you have for your future, which you may have buried. Usually, people bury their dreams, sometimes unconsciously, because they hold tighter to their fears than they do to their dreams! In his book, Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams, Steven K. Scott writes that there are 6 chains that prevent us from being able to convert our […]

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 10-29-12

Questions discussed on this call: What can I do on a daily basis to manage my thinking throughout the day? Is there a way to train my mind not to go down negative thoughts? With the holidays coming how can I manage my energy and thoughts around negative family members? I know surrounding yourself with negative people is a “no-no” but what if you live with them and can’t get away from them? How do I handle the negativity? Is there any truth to the concept that we become what […]

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Passion – The FUEL for your life!

Doing what you love, money follows. Differentiate this kind of love, or passion, from craving. The energy of craving comes from a belief in some kind of lack. The passion I’m talking about is the belief in who you are and what you want and love, and is a vibration of life affirming awareness of capacity! But what if you don’t know what you love and are passionate about? Sometimes people don’t know what they are passionate about! And that can feel like a heavy burden, can’t it? Let yourself […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Passion 10-23-2012

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Visualize Your Creativity

To get in touch with what you want in your life, visualize (or imagine) what your perfect life will look like in each of the following facets, and as an assignment, write a few paragraphs, or more, from each facet, describing how it looks and how it feels to have your life that way: 1. Your family, and significant other relationship 2. Your economic and material concerns 3. Your leisure activities and friendships 4. Your spiritual and civic life 5. Your personal life: educational, and health goals. To become aware […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Visualize Your Creativity 10-16-2012

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Fear of Investing Money

Question about fear of investing more money, and the answer.. Thank you Janeen for your support. I appreciate it! I feel overwhelmed when I am afraid, panicky almost hysterical because I feel pressured of making important financial decisions without feeling ready to make them. Fees are adding up with my business venture. I feel insecure and afraid of the possibility of jeopardizing the family assets by doing so even if I understand the necessity of doing so. You understand? Furthermore, since it’s never the same problem, or person who phones […]

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Student Question Answered

This is a question a student emailed about how to help her daughter speak to her teacher, and an answer I was inspired to offer. May it help many other people as well! Hello! I have a sweet ten year old 5th grade girl who is terrified of her teacher because she yells. I practice not yelling at my family. It would seem that somehow I have to condition her to deal with adults who choose to yell and use scare tactics to keep them in fear, perhaps to control […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Discover the Real You 10-9-2012

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Exercising Social Intelligence 10-2-2012

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