Fear of Investing Money

Question about fear of investing more money, and the answer..

Thank you Janeen for your support. I appreciate it!

I feel overwhelmed when I am afraid, panicky almost hysterical because I feel pressured of making important financial decisions without feeling ready to make them. Fees are adding up with my business venture. I feel insecure and afraid of the possibility of jeopardizing the family assets by doing so even if I understand the necessity of doing so. You understand? Furthermore, since it’s never the same problem, or person who phones me about the problem, the confidence link doesn’t exist with who asks me to step forward in another financial decision; since I don’t have the overall plan of what to forsee, I feel manipulated. I’m sorry for this one, but it’s the truth. What’s the difference between resistance and the signals from my internal guidance system? Am I dominated by my fears right now? I’ve really tried to calm them, to soothe them but noting works for very long. What are the false beliefs I should work on right now to neutralize the negative feelings that pent- up in me?

I want to be a teachable student.

Coach’s pre-response analysis/overview of the above quandary: 1. Student doesn’t comprehend how we are a pass through entity for the abundance of money, and everything else…and it never stops flowing, so more is always on the way. You can only be afraid of “investing”, IF you don’t realize that more is always on the way!
2. Student is attached to a specific outcome, rather than doing it because they want to!
3. Student wants to know every step, down the road as well, instead of taking action on the step in front of them.
4. Student is being divinely guided to realize that fear is guiding this bantering back and forth!

Oh, Sweet Friend! You know…There’s nothing wrong with taking time to collect information!
I knew this is what was happening! That’s why I wanted to go ahead and have the session, so I could help you with it.

It is perfectly acceptable to say, “I am very interested in this, AND I am going to take some time to ponder it, so I can verify that I am being divinely guided!” If the other person puts the pressure on, Lucie, simply repeat the EXACT same phrase again! And again, and again….like a broken record! Stay in your power!

Memorize that phrase! Be ready to let It flow off your tongue readily and easily! It is speaking up for yourself in a way which loves yourself, AND is respectful to them! There’s no attack language at all…

So…Now that you can relax into the way your thought processes work, and give yourself permission to take all the time you want to..

Now let’s talk about how you would go about knowing if it’s divinely guided!

Steps to knowing Divine Guidance:

1. Sit with yourself, and ask yourself (aloud works best! But sometimes it’s necessary to do it silently; Depending where you are!)
“Do I wish this would out?” and WAIT for a feeling of yes or no!
2. If thoughts of “What if it doesn’t work out?” pop up…..A) Notice them. B) Realize that God never never leads through fear, so this is definitely a thought from the ego! C) Then say, “Truth: Calling upon Truth?”…(This puts up an energetic block to hearing from the ego, because of your CHOICE, power of choice, to NOT hear from the ego!) and ask the same question again, “Do I wish this would work?”

3. Notice the feeling that wells up inside you.

A. YES ANSWER: If it is a little life giving burst of energy, just a little one that brings a bit of a smile, then it is a “YES” answer form the Divine. A “Yes” answer from the Divine will also bring that little rush of energy that makes pictures and symbols of success well up in your thoughts….as if it’s growing in your heart and mind! Like a seed growing! Remember what I refer to as “the rule of threes”; You will get three separate incidences of witness, through your feelings, or synergistic experiences, or someone else mentioning something along a similar line, or something similar to the “it” in question. God gives you three chances to “get it” before he quits bothering you with it, assuming at that time that you are unwilling to be guided. So, feel free to wait for three incidents of prompting, if you want to! God is long suffering, and wants you to “get it”! You’ll get better at recognizing these feelings of prompting, and then you won’t want to wait for three times!

B. NO ANSWER: If it is NOTHING……NO FEELING (but also not a fear! Remember, God never leads through fear. Fear is always of the ego.) Nothing. Blank. Stupor of thought. No feeling. Then THAT is a “NO” answer from God! And then,. There will be a tendency for it to be completely erased from your thoughts and feelings, and you will not even think of it again! Again, a “stupor of thought” is a No answer from God!

That’s pretty much it! If you actually WANT it to work out, and hope, wish, it would….THAT is divine guidance to do it! THAT’S why you want it! Because God wants it for you!

Doesn’t this feel better????
I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you
I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you
I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you
Coach Janeen

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