Passion – The FUEL for your life!

Doing what you love, money follows. Differentiate this kind of love, or passion, from craving. The energy of craving comes from a belief in some kind of lack. The passion I’m talking about is the belief in who you are and what you want and love, and is a vibration of life affirming awareness of capacity!

But what if you don’t know what you love and are passionate about?

Sometimes people don’t know what they are passionate about! And that can feel like a heavy burden, can’t it? Let yourself off the hook by realizing that the process of unearthing your passions is a four step process:
1. What am I curious about? Begin exploring it, or them.
2. As I explore this “thing”, is it growing even more interesting to me? If not…stop! If yes…continuing pursuing your interest in that “thing’.
3. Are you now becoming enthralled and engaged with it?
4. NOW, having investigated your curiosity, pursued the interest, become enthralled…NOW, it’s becoming a passion!

Step one: Write a list, and try to get it up to 50, or even 100 things, that you have ever enjoyed doing or learning, or thought you might enjoy learning or doing, if you’d let yourself try it. DO NOT try to figure out how it could bring you money!

Step two: On a scale of one to five, five being strong, positive energy, assign each item on the list a number.

Step three: Start exploring the fives! How do you explore the fives? Do an internet search about that thing, and see if there are newsletters about it that you can sign up for from other people’s websites. Log into and join a group about that thing. Find a class to learn that thing at your local community college, or parks and recreation department, or hobby store. You’ll meet other people who are like minded, as well as possibly hit gold when you encounter a problem in the pursuit of that thing; You solve that problem, and GET RICH!

Isn’t passion FUN??!!

Coach Janeen J. Detrick

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