
Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-20-12

Questions answered on this call: Is it “selfishness” (from Instant Manifestation, page 162.) for my life’s mission to be about me enjoying my life? I don’t have any “Save the Whales” types of desires! Since I am divine, isn’t it a “daring something worthy” if my mission is just the enjoyment of my life? As I spend money, aren’t I automatically blessing other people and giving? After all, it blesses all the people from whom I buy things, and creates jobs! I have heard that it is important to “BE” […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Color Code 2-14-2012

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The Five Love Languages

This synopsis is based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman, entitled The Five Love Languages, and also his book The Five Languages of Apology. When someone you love is trying to show you that they love you, but you can’t receive it in the way they are sending it, the relationship can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled, but doesn’t mean that they don’t love you, or that you don’t love them! It could just mean that you are speaking different “love languages”, and do not yet know this […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Love Languages 2-7-2012

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The 10 steps to Prosperous Living

1. Acknowledge the past, then let it go; You needed what it taught you! Remember: The past happened ONE MOMENT ago! 2. Paperwork handling: Do it, Delete it, or delegate it! OHIO: ONLY HANDLE IT ONCE! 3. Complete all assignments and agreements. Go back and apologize and make restitution if necessary, so you have a clear conscience! 4. List 100 successes! “I learned to walk” I graduated kindergarten the class favorite., etc. This is about noticing what YOU ARE, instead of what you’re NOT! 5. Acknowledge each and every success […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Attitude 1-31-2012

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Conference call with Joe Vitale 1-30-12

Questions answered on this call: You said fake it till you make it. How do I fake it with my food allergy? I am allergic to chicken and egg. How can you tell yourself that you are not allergic while always needing to ask for an example in the restaurant if the food has anything in it? Or checking the package if anything is written on it before buying. And needing to explain when I am invited why I may not eat that. How do you reprogram your mind for […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Categories of Limiting Beliefs 1-24-2012

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs 2 1-17-2012

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Three Steps to Overcoming and Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Releasing Limiting Beliefs is a Three Step Process. First, you have to identify the limiting belief, but this is not what I am referring to as “step one” when I say that the process for releasing limiting beliefs is a three step process. Step one of the three step process is to neutralize the negative energy inside you about the belief, if you are feeling negative energy inside you about it. Remember that “negative energy” is just another way of saying “negative feelings”. If you are able to think clearly […]

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