
Protected: PD Grad Call – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs 1-10-2012

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The Three Categories of Limiting Beliefs

So, you want to clear ALL your blocks….your limiting beliefs….your counter intentions. Wow. That probably feels like it will require lots of time, and lots of effort, doesn’t it? Assignment step one: To get started, I want you to write a list of every limiting belief you think you have! Yes, list them. Number them even; a one line synopsis of each one that you think you have! Even if that list reaches 162 limiting beliefs, or more….. I have good news for you! All limiting beliefs filter into only […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Wouldn’t it be Kewl 1-3-2012

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The Power of “WHY?”

“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it!”, Simon Sinek, TED.com Draw a Circle. Write in that circle, “why”. Now draw a bit larger circle around that one. Write inside that second circle, “how”. Now draw a third circle surrounding those two. Write in that largest circle, “what”. THIS IS CALLED THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, and we will see later in this article how it corresponds with the universal trilogies that govern EVERYTHING: Cosmology, Religious depictions of “God”, The Three Universal Laws, and even how our brains […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – The Power of Why 12-27-2011

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 12-19-11

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Protected: PD Grad Call – Self Esteem & Confidence 12-20-2011

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Self Esteem and Confidence

Self Esteem and Confidence Precepts regarding self esteem: 1. Self esteem is derived through taking the action steps that our higher self has inspired us to take! 2. Do baby steps toward that inspired goal DAILY! At least ONE action step per day! 3. Release valuing “the tribal opinion” of what you are choosing to do. “If I only do that which the tribe wants me to do, there will be no societal evolution, and I will not have contributed anything to the growth of consciousness!” 4. Associate NOT doing […]

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Protected: PD Grad Call – We’re all connected 12-13-2011

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How to Love Yourself and Feel Worthy to Be Loved

By Janeen J. Detrick 1. Release the expectation of perfection (whatever that is, anyway!), and embrace PROCESS. Isn’t it actually really okay that you have things you need to learn? Release the belief that you are not valuable unless you are PRODUCTIVE! I have a 26 year old step-daughter named Jennilee who is permanently going on eight years old. She will never accomplish much! Is she of no value? Jennilee has eternal reasons why she chose, from her pre-existent state, whatever that was, to be born into a disabled body! […]

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