Conference Call with Joe Vitale 2-20-12

Questions answered on this call:

  1. Is it “selfishness” (from Instant Manifestation, page 162.) for my life’s mission to be about me enjoying my life? I don’t have any “Save the Whales” types of desires!
  2. Since I am divine, isn’t it a “daring something worthy” if my mission is just the enjoyment of my life?
  3. As I spend money, aren’t I automatically blessing other people and giving? After all, it blesses all the people from whom I buy things, and creates jobs!
  4. I have heard that it is important to “BE” the energy of what you are wanting. Can you (or WE) discuss this principle? How does one BE the energy of money? You elude to this in Instant Manifestation, pages 93-94. I, Janeen, think this is an important principle because anything you see as being outside of you, will always be outside of you, and you are then chasing it! Like you are the donkey chasing the carrot! Of course I realize that there is nothing outside of you, and that is an illusion, however, it’s hard to get your head around that principle sometimes! Suggestions on how to make that real?
  5. The ego lies to me and tells me that I am powerless, then I feel weak. I choose to feel powerful! However, I don’t feel it when I say “I am POWERFUL”. How can I start feeling it? I guess I can’t nevillize if I can’t FEEL!
  6. Do you have any ideas on how I can heal my arthritis? Maybe we can talk about healing in general.
  7. Again, from Instant Manifestation, page 90, can we discuss the Einstein quote, and the principle of “oneness”, and discuss HOW it can be said that we are all one?
  8. Maybe we can discuss the desperation energy of “needing”, and “wanting”, rather than “being” and “choosing”, which put you in your divine mind!
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