Three Steps to Overcoming and Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Releasing Limiting Beliefs is a Three Step Process.

First, you have to identify the limiting belief, but this is not what I am referring to as “step one” when I say that the process for releasing limiting beliefs is a three step process. Step one of the three step process is to neutralize the negative energy inside you about the belief, if you are feeling negative energy inside you about it. Remember that “negative energy” is just another way of saying “negative feelings”. If you are able to think clearly and are not feeling negative energy about the belief in the present moment, then you can simply move on to step two, and step one won’t be necessary for you.
Sometimes we feel like something is holding us back, but we can’t quite identify what it is!
Here are some ideas for recognizing what they are:
1) If you’ve even wondered if you had a certain limiting belief, then you probably do! Suspecting that you have a certain limiting belief is likely your intuition guiding you!
2) If you hear your friends mention something that you recognize as a limiting belief, and it resonates with you, and you find yourself agreeing with it, then it’s also YOUR limiting belief!
3) Disapproval (judgment!) is a sign of a limiting belief. Anything about which you have strong negative opinions, coupled with negative energy, is an indication of a lurking limiting belief. For example; “I hate politicians!”; “I hate organized religion!”; “The government is nuts!”; “Girls shouldn’t chase boys.” This is not to imply that you are not allowed to have preferences, of course, but just that having negative energy on any issue is an indication of where you hold limiting, confining, enslaving beliefs that are not serving you!
4) Anytime your hear yourself think, “I can’t ___________________, because________________”
5) Any time an issue in your life causes you anxiety, look at that issue and ask yourself, “Why does that bug me?” A limiting belief is supporting why it bugged you!

Step One: Neutralize the Negative Energy Inside You

There are myriad methods for doing this, but that is outside the scope of this current article. (Examples are Ho-O-ponopono, E.F.T., etc…Theta Yogic Breathing….)

Step Two: Limiting Belief Releasing Process is to Analyze the Limiting Belief.

This is the analysis of why you believe that, and is a logical discussion with yourself, in your thoughts, of whether or not this belief is serving you, or enslaving you! This thought process also includes analysis of the data upon which you based the belief, which is the reason you think that.
There are two methods for analyzing the limiting belief. These are known as “The Benefit of the Benefit”, and also “Differing Data Interpretations”.
1) The Benefit of the Benefit
a) State the benefit. b) Ask yourself this question, “What is the benefit to me of believing that?” State the benefit to you of believing that. c) Ask yourself, “What’s the benefit to me of that benefit?” Keep going deeper on this question. Then, (d) Ask yourself if it’s working; “Is this serving me??” Usually, by this time, the belief has already released itself, unless the benefit is an additional limiting belief. In that case, do the process on that layer of limiting belief. In this way, you will be “peeling back the layers of the onion”. You can also go on to use the second method, if this doesn’t uncover a freeing thought pattern!

It’s important for you to recognize that 90% of the time, people will say, “There is no benefit”. Sometimes that is true, but usually, if you’ll think about it a little longer, you will uncover a benefit! But the second method for analyzing the limiting belief is available for your use with it, in case this one doesn’t uncover it.

2) Differing Data Interpretations
a) State the belief. b) Ask yourself this question, “What is the data upon which I base this belief?” State what the data is that you based the belief on, which is the “reason” you believe that. c) Explore all the other possible interpretations of that data, and choose one that better serves you!

Really, what the second step implies is that you need to think through the belief! These two methods of analysis are a clinical way of helping you learn how to analyze your thoughts.

Step Three: Write an NLRP Script!

The Neuro-linguistic Reprogramming Process (based on N.L.P.) re-programs the sub conscious mind through a logical sequence of thought that brings you from the previous belief, so that your sub conscious mind feels “heard”, to the new belief, then anchors the new belief. There are many variations on NLP, and this is Janeen’s own adaptation of the process, which has proven VERY effective! One component that seems to allow NLP to work so well is that it is based on the fact that your brain needs data in order to interpret, or anchor, any belief. This process of logical thought provides that data.

Most of you have learned to use “affirmations” as a way to change the way you think, so you can pick thoughts that serve you better. Have you noticed that you still feel frustrated, as if the old belief and the new chosen belief are in a tug of war in your head? The reason for that is that JUST using affirmations does not ELIMINATE the old belief; It merely adds yet another belief into your head, forcing you to choose which thought you are going to think! The process I’ve taught here, the three step process, works together to completely ELIMINATE the old belief all together, so you don’t have to struggle about it anymore!

The first step, neutralizing the negative energy, simply allows you to restore your head to thinking clearly after you’ve allowed yourself to get upset about something. After you can think clearly, you can use step two as a tool for analyzing your belief. This is an important preparatory step, in that N.L.P. uses a logical sequence of thought to move you into feeling the newly chosen belief, after you’ve activated the old neuro-pathway that the old belief has already created in your brain. In order to be able to use that logical sequence of thought, you have to have done step two, so you HAVE logical data in your conscious awareness. So, what N.L.P. does is RE-PROGRAM the old neuro-pathway INTO the new feeling of the new belief! So, when you experience what psychology refers to as “an historical memory” of an event that used to give you bad feelings, that same memory will not link itself to the good, newly programmed positive belief and positive feeling!

You’ll have to add the data of the logical sequence of thought that you’ve “lit upon” as you went through Step Two, but here are the “bones” of how to do N.L.R.P:

Step 1) State the old Limiting Belief.
Step 2) “I used to believe that………..” Restating the L.B.
Step 3) “I believed that because …………………..” (State the data upon which you built that belief.)
Step 4) “I completely forgive___________, (Other person involved, if there is one) because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time, and at their then level of evolution.”
Step 5) “I now realize that ……..”(newly chosen belief, with substantiation of why it serves you better and is logical.)
Step 6) “I completely love and accept myself even though I held on to this for so long!”
Step 7) “I forgive myself for not having learned this earlier.”
Step 8) “I am so proud of myself for realizing that………….(State the newly chosen belief again.)
Step 9) “I know now that…………………….(Reiterate the newly chosen belief again.)
Step 10) “Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having learned this earlier. I love you, Self. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. I Love you.

Say, “It is Done.” Saying this strong declaration serves to “announce” the change to your energy and to your sub-conscious mind. It believes what you tell it!

An additional tool you can use to ANCHOR the new belief, is to use Process Terminology Affirmations!

But that’s a whole ‘nother subject!

By Janeen J. Detrick

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