The Five Love Languages

This synopsis is based on the book by Dr. Gary Chapman, entitled The Five Love Languages, and also his book
The Five Languages of Apology.

When someone you love is trying to show you that they love you, but you can’t receive it in the way they
are sending it, the relationship can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled, but doesn’t mean that they don’t love you, or that you don’t love them! It could just mean that you are speaking different “love languages”, and do not yet know this information!

If you are a single person, intending to attract the Love of your Life, discern what your primary and secondary love languages are, and then choose someone who has at least one of your two. It just makes the relationship flow so much more easily!
If you are already in a relationship, and you discover that you speak different languages, as you implement sending love to your partner in their language, it can make everything so wonderful! It can turn around strained relationships, and make good relationship fulfilling and joyous!

The love languages are not good or bad, better or worse; they just are. So, don’t judge yourself, and don’t judge other people, if you aren’t the same love language as they are.

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Acts of Service
4. Receiving Gifts
5. Meaningful Touch

The Five Languages of Apology are:
1. Expressing Regret
2. Accepting Responsibility
3. Making Restitution
4. Genuinely Repenting
5. Requesting Forgiveness

The author’s website has more details, as well as some assessments to help you discern what your languages are!


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