
How Can I Get Motivated?

What’s your motive?  What’s your “why?”  What’s your reason? Another way of asking that same question is, “What’s your intention?” Emotion: The word emotions means to cause, or inspire, a person to “emote”, or to “take action”.  Emotion causes you to take action! Ask yourself, “What stirs emotion in me?” “What causes me to FEEL?”, even if I currently am focusing on the problem and not the solution, so that I am feeling badly, rather than empowered? What have I been judging myself for feeling?  What is the cause of […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 7-9-13: Meditation to Catapult You Into Action

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Protected: Graduate Call 7-2-13: Knowing Freedom

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-25-13: Uncovering What You REALLY Want!

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Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-24-13

Questions discussed on this call: What is the difference between feeling and emotion? There is a lot of energy lately about awakening and enlightenment, can you elaborate more on these? It seems I can come up with thoughts easily but feelings are a bit more elusive for me. How can I generate more skill with feelings? I need more money fast. What are some tips you can offer for minimizing my desperation and anxiety? Why is love and gratitude such a powerful force when it comes to creating miracles? There […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 6-18-13: The Transformational Trilogies

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Defining Success and Clearing to See Success

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick There are three different aspects to success: Receiving inspiration and recognizing it when you receive it, so that you can follow it! Noticing things to be grateful for, and choosing to see them as symbols of abundance and success! LOOK for things to be grateful for, then you will get MORE to be grateful for! Including noticing any and all amounts of money you receive as abundance, rather than seeing or feeling that “It’s not enough!” Noticing the synergistic, symbiotic situations that come into your […]

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Protected: Graduate call 6-11-13: Defining Success and Clearing to See Success

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Protected: Graduate call 6-4-13: Oneness

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Dealing with Anger, Resentment and Unforgiveness

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick. First, realize that there is nothing to forgive! You attracted the event so you could learn the lesson of the event, so they didn’t DO anything TO you! They did it for you, and it was very likely a sacred contract they made with you from before the both of you got here to this temporal world. So, adding meaning that there is something to forgive means that you are adding meaning that you are a victim of whatever happened! BUT YOU WEREN”T! You actually, […]

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