Defining Success and Clearing to See Success

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

There are three different aspects to success:

  1. Receiving inspiration and recognizing it when you receive it, so that you can follow it!
  2. Noticing things to be grateful for, and choosing to see them as symbols of abundance and success! LOOK for things to be grateful for, then you will get MORE to be grateful for! Including noticing any and all amounts of money you receive as abundance, rather than seeing or feeling that “It’s not enough!”
  3. Noticing the synergistic, symbiotic situations that come into your life as the Universe working for you! Give credit where credit is due, and you will receive more to give credit for!

There are three primary reasons that people don’t see the success they want:

  1. Calling it like it is.
  2. Having the old picture of themselves and others in their head and in their feelings.
  3. Failing to catch themselves ruminating on thoughts and resisting having feelings, and not choosing to do something to get out of that stream of thinking and feeling.

Calling it like it is – Beating the drum of your current reality will cause you to recreate it! If you look at what is, and keep telling that story, you are re-creating it! Never tell it like it is. NEVER! The way it is was created back in the past, one minute ago or more, and if you keep saying it you will continue to create it that same way! So many people feel so proud of themselves for “calling it like I see it.” But that just keeps them stuck in a cycle. Call it the way you WANT it to be! If necessary, use process terminology so it is more believable for you. “I am in the process of becoming slender and fit and energetic!” “I am in the process of becoming a multimillionaire.”

Change the picture you have in your head of others, and of yourself, so you can let them, and yourself, CHANGE! Having the old picture of yourself and others in your head and in your feelings keeps you and they THE SAME. Use a vision board if you’d like, but shift the picture and see yourself thin, energetic, well, in LOVE, and RICH!

When people are having a feeling, the tendency is to start thinking about whatever made them feel that way, and to start analyzing it. STOP IT! Never do that again! Detach thinking whenever you are having a bad feeling. QUIT THINKING! NO THOUGHTS! Get OUT of your head! Catch yourself feeling a bad feeling, and then just simply notice the feeling, where you are sensing it in your body, and describe it to yourself. Then, imagine you are pulling that energy into the energy of your peak performance moment. Where did you hold your peak performance energy? In your heart? In your stomach? Was it yellow? Was it violet? Was it translucent? Was it thick? Heavy? Light? Sharp and stabbing, or dull and rolling? Describe it to yourself. Focus all your attention to the feeling, without thinking! NO ANALYSIS when you are having a feeling! (If you are having too many thoughts, then it helps to quiet the mind with Theta Yogic Breathing. See the article in the e-library for this. Or you can use the “Tiny Voice” and make fun of the thoughts.) BUT DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ANALYZE FEELINGS with thinking! JUST WORK THE ENERGY OF THE FEELING. No thoughts. No analysis.

Whatever your peak performance energy feels like, imagine you are grabbing the energy of your bad feelings, and changing it into the color, size, shape, opaqueness and feeling of your peak performance energy. So, you are working with the energy of the feeling alone…you are NOT analyzing it, attaching meaning, or figuring out meaning.

“Defining” success can lead to attachment to outcome. Some people create blocks by making goals so specific that there’s no room for the universe to bring it to you in a way differently than you could see!

To see success, FEEL the end result but be open to it happening differently than anything you previously thought of! And be sure you notice all the “little successes” along the way. Don’t just add meaning that if you don’t get the whole thing, you got “nothin’!”

Don’t make your definition of success restrictive, make it EXPANSIVE! INCLUSIVE! “Both/And” thinking rather than just “and/or” thinking!

After all, The Divine is…INEFFIBLE!

“Dr. J”

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