Conference Call with Joe Vitale 6-24-13

Questions discussed on this call:

  1. What is the difference between feeling and emotion?
  2. There is a lot of energy lately about awakening and enlightenment, can you elaborate more on these?
  3. It seems I can come up with thoughts easily but feelings are a bit more elusive for me. How can I generate more skill with feelings?
  4. I need more money fast. What are some tips you can offer for minimizing my desperation and anxiety?
  5. Why is love and gratitude such a powerful force when it comes to creating miracles?
  6. There are so many different clearing techniques. Are there specific practices or meditations you recommend that I can use to create more effective results in clearing my blocks?
  7. When you get it right on the inside the outside takes care of itself? How does this happen?
  8. When a person is not feeling any negative feelings at all, but are at perfect peace, yet not having any promptings to DO any action steps, is anything wrong? Is this a normal part of moving from “Surrender” and to “Awakening”?
  9. Relative to “Faith”, your book, you write on page 132 that you don’t proceed blindly. This seems to indicate that you do collect information about any subject you may be wondering about, but then, you ask for guidance as to whether or not to do it, AFTER you collect the info. Is that right? SO…Your intelligence, at that point, becomes the avenue through which your Internal Guidance System can guide you?
  10. Can you summarize why your new relationship program is better that the other stuff that’s out there on attracting love? It sounds cool….but I feel I’ve purchased everything, and they’re all the same! What’s better about yours?
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