How Can I Get Motivated?

  1. What’s your motive?  What’s your “why?”  What’s your reason? Another way of asking that same question is, “What’s your intention?”
  2. Emotion: The word emotions means to cause, or inspire, a person to “emote”, or to “take action”.  Emotion causes you to take action!
  3. Ask yourself, “What stirs emotion in me?”
  4. “What causes me to FEEL?”, even if I currently am focusing on the problem and not the solution, so that I am feeling badly, rather than empowered?
  5. What have I been judging myself for feeling?  What is the cause of that?  THAT feeling, which makes you want to judge yourself as being bad and wrong, also shows you the limiting belief which would otherwise  emote you to taking action!  For example, “I wish the world would stop ____________________(fill in the blank).” Then, you think, “Oh, I shouldn’t feel that way. I shouldn’t let myself feel angry.”
  6. THAT judgment IS the energy that would catapult you forward to taking action on the whatever that cause was!

Energy that makes you FEEL is an indication of the cause about which you choose to come here to be a part of that solution!

The energy that makes you FEEL is the energy that will motivate you and inspire you and catapult you forward to taking ACTION!

Here is a meditation/mantra you can use to motivate yourself:

“I FEEL strongly about this. I FEEL strongly positive about this.  I FEEL Inspired about this. I FEEL it from my heart. I feel it from my gut.  The energy of the feeling wells up within me like springs of living water, and catapults me forward into action! I feel proud of myself. I feel proud of myself for taking that action! I feel strongly about this. I feel strongly positive about this. I feel empowered by this strong emotion! “

Repeat it over and over again!

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

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