Dealing with Anger, Resentment and Unforgiveness

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick.

First, realize that there is nothing to forgive! You attracted the event so you could learn the lesson of the event, so they didn’t DO anything TO you! They did it for you, and it was very likely a sacred contract they made with you from before the both of you got here to this temporal world.

So, adding meaning that there is something to forgive means that you are adding meaning that you are a victim of whatever happened! BUT YOU WEREN”T! You actually, on an unconscious, spiritual level, wanted the lesson of it! Think what a valiant choice that was for you to make! Think how amazing it was of them to be willing to inflict that upon you in order to help you in your growth and progression! Even the “perpetrator” is actually valiant for being willing to commit the offense so you could learn that there wasn’t any offense, since, after all, you are not a body but rather a spirit, and how can a spirit be hurt?

I am a student of “A Course In Miracles”, and in “ACIM” it teaches that it is an illusion to think that anything can hurt us, so it is an illusion to think that we have to forgive anything! The only person you really have to forgive is YOURSELF for having believed in the illusion that you can be hurt!

The tenant upon which ACIM bases this thought process that there is nothing to forgive is that YOU ARE NOT A BODY. Only people who think the real them is a body can ever believe they can be hurt. That leads to thinking something could hurt you, which leads to thinking that THEY did something to you, which leads to thinking that you are the better person because you were so righteous you forgave their sins against you, which leads to you thinking there is a right way to be and a wrong way to be, which means you are judgmental for adding meaning that your way of being is better than someone else’s way of being, which leads you to wanting to change them, which leads you to attacking them to try to force them to be like you, which…..well….you get the idea!

Thinking that you are a body which can be hurt leads to all manner of judgment and criticism and “one right way to be thinking”.

Under all anger is a FEAR: Fear that that experience would HURT; Fear that it would be a bad experience, rather than just “an” experience. SO, you’re judging some experience as being “bad”, or you can’t get afraid of it! The fear of it is strong energy, so it actually attracts it to you! ALLOWING IT is the way to not be afraid of it, and therefore, NOT attract it!

But, You’re NOT a BODY! You are a Spirit who has created a body for yourself so you could communicate with it!

How can anyone ever hurt the real you, which is a Spirit?

SO…Since you’re a spirit, can anyone hurt you?

See there?! There’s nothing to forgive!

Congratulations! You just forgave what never really happened to you! And, seeing it this way, you are free!

The ego (thoughts that you are a body who can lose something and be hurt) engenders fear of loss. Spirit thinking doesn’t! So, which thought process unlocks you and sets you free?

And since “Knowledge of the TRUTH sets you free”, it doesn’t tie your gut up in knots! Doesn’t it make sense that this must be true, since it’s what sets you free?

Think about it: That which you think happened to you, isn’t it really just in your head? Are you…the real you…the Spirit YOU…actually hurt in any way?

About whatever happened, why not decide, ”Oh, Well! So, What? Big Deal!” And decide to think prosperous thoughts no matter what! THAT will change your experience of this world, and you will end up attracting (creating) way better experiences!


Victimhood thinks it has something to forgive. Gratitude realizes that the ego gained insight through it, to get closer to realizing that you are not that ego, but rather are a Spirit! Resentment will attract back to yourself stuff to resent! Allowing it will attract back nothing except what you choose to have energy on!

Allowing scripts will discharge the energy inside you on the issue, and cause you not to be able to attract it anymore! Allow everything, and resist nothing…THAT is the way to never attract it again, because then you have no energy inside yourself on that issue, so how could you ever attract it again?!

An allowing script comes at everything from all angles: Allowing yourself to hate it; Allowing yourself to love it; Allowing yourself to judge it; Allowing yourself to be mad at yourself for judging it; Allowing them to be creeps; Allowing yourself to be a judgmental creep; Allowing yourself to hate yourself for being a judgmental creep; Allowing yourself to love yourself even though you’re a judgmental creep; Allowing yourself to allow them to do whatever; Allowing yourself for hating that they do whatever; Allowing yourself to love people who do that; Allowing yourself to love yourself even though you’re mad at people who do that; Allowing them to choose to be that way, and to do that; Allowing yourself NOT to choose to be that way, etc. See, allowing everything from all angles is the solution to discharging the energy inside yourself from that issue! And, if you have no energy on this issue, how can you possible ever attract it?


It adds new power to the edict in the Bible, “Thou shalt not judge”, doesn’t it? Who knew we were being taught how to create a better life by that! YIPPEE!

With Love.
Dr. J

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