Graduate Call Notes 10-28-14: October Recap and Clarification – Emotional Intelligence, Present Moment Awareness, Attachment, Aversion, and Surrender

The first question of our conversation was about how to realize our authentic nature. This is the big one! This is, in my opinion, among the most significant questions that can be asked.

The beginning of this answer is addressed by pointing more clearly to what is not authentic nature. To do this we used the map of consciousness again.

Everything below 500 on the scale is qualities of consciousness associated with mind/body. Below 200 are the resistant liabilities; fear, anger, worry, sadness, regret, stress, blame, etc. 200-500 are the attachment assets; hope, trust, optimism, understanding, etc. Everything below 500 is the domain of duality; pleasure – pain, inside – outside, good – bad, right – wrong, me – you, etc.

500-700 is where we find the qualities of consciousness that represent our authentic nature, Soul. Awareness observes without judgment or meaning. This is where we live from unity and oneness, inclusive with the world instead of exclusive in the world.

Some of the word labels that help describe this state of consciousness are: Love Peace, Joy, Bliss, Gratitude, Fulfillment, Awareness, Present, Now, Oneness, Unity, Awakened, Observer, Witness, Soul, and Authentic Nature.

We covered a little bit of ground concerning the foundation of reality. According to James C. Maxwell, matter is byproduct of consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.

When one is established above 700 on the scale, this is the domain of enlightenment. Light, Consciousness, and Energy become one’s identity.

We spoke briefly about understanding vs. being right. This understanding lends itself to effective listening as well as effective parenting. Here I referred to the amazing woman, Dr. Shefali Tsabari and her book The Conscious Parent. This was for the purpose of elaborating the wisdom of non duality from a parenting perspective.

Thank you, Marianne, for sending the following quote: “It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow’s viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences.” – Harry S. Truman

What is the difference between joy and happiness?

  • Joy is uncaused or unreasonable. Happiness is contingent on the external circumstances being perceived as favorable. When external circumstances are not favorable, one is typically not happy. However when one is established above 500 on the scale, many people call this awakened, then joy is as natural as breathing regardless of the external circumstances.

We spoke of acceptance and surrender as a means to grace. Eckhart Tolle’s quote – “The greatest source of grace in this world is accepting the unacceptable.”

Acceptance is the absence of resistance. This acceptance is what allows for an alternative experience. The fruition comes internally when we actually have appreciation / gratitude for what we were previously resisting.

Acceptance plus appreciation is one definition of Love. When we love what comes up instead of resist it we transform it at a neurobiological level, i.e. we clear it.

Cultivating alternative points of view by choice happens when we are present. Choice happens in presence. Alternative points of view give us access to many different options. So which option will anyone choose? The most favorable.

“What’s right about this situation that I am not getting?’ Here we have a wonderful clearing statement from Access Consciousness. I encourage this question anytime you feel stuck in a negative point of view. It’s easy to elaborate what is wrong, and from our point of view we will be “right” to be having this negativity; however a much healthier point of view can be accessed with this question. Again, what’s right about this that I’m not getting?

There was so much great participation this month with everyone. I just want to say Thank You to all of you who made it live and to all of you reading this now.


Gil McIff

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