Graduate Call Notes 8-5-14: Inspired Action Steps

There’s a huge difference between taking action in order to make something happen and taking inspired action, which is moving with the energy in motion (inertia!). The key is to recognize when you’re trying to make things happen, instead of allowing them to happen. Forcing action out of a belief that you are “supposed to do something”, is of the ego, and feels heavy! Those egoistic impulses come from the mind, but inspired action impulses flow from the HEART, UP, rather than from the HEAD, DOWN.

Welcome, and thank you for joining us! We had a special guest in the call!

Rev. Marty, The students of Personal Development that we have on the line, as well as all of those who listen to the replay links, frequently ask me HOW they will know if the actions they are considering taking are “inspired” or not?  They sometimes worry that what they are wanting to do might come from ego. Can you offer our students any advice about how they will know if what they want is “inspired”?

My usual answer to this is something like if they want it…It’s because that energy we’ve come to call “God” put the desire in their hearts so “they” would want it! Force, obligation, manipulation, control; that is what comes from Ego!  We could have a brief discussion about this.

It seems that when we settle for small dreams, it’s as if we are trying to fit the enormity of Who We Really Are into a suit that is several sizes too small, and it just never feels good to us!  But when we allow ourselves to hold the grandest vision for ourselves that we can presently imagine, that seems to carry with it the energy that fuels our motivation! On Sunday, July 27th, two weeks ago, you told us about a goal you had in swimming. It was a grand goal! That inspired me so much!  Would you talk with the students about that, Rev. Marty? I’d like them to hear it from you!   Discussion of The Grand Swimming Goal, and how it felt overwhelming, until you broke it down into small steps!

Were you ever tempted to reduce the size of the goal, just to try to make yourself settle for less from yourself? How did you get past that? What did you do to rekindle your belief in yourself?

One of the ways I re-invigorate my own energies so I can stay motivated and inspired is to implement what I have learned through the Center as “Affirmative Prayer.” Could you briefly explain what Affirmative Prayer is to us?

Thank you for sharing that with us, Rev. Marty!  Before we say goodbye to you for today, would you be willing to lead our students in the “Repeat after me” affirmation that you take our congregation through each Sunday at the conclusion of our services? I’ll be the voice of the response, but, Students, you repeat it aloud on your end of the phone as Rev. Marty guides me through it!  (“Something magnificent is happening though me…”)

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