Conference Call with Joe Vitale 9-15-14

Questions discussed on this call:

  1. How do you attract people to your service who are willing to pay so the business actually works? And at the same time how do you help those who say they cannot afford it? In other words be able to work for both those who can pay, and support those in need (charity).
  2. You speak about surrounding yourself and working with people who are like minded or who can support you. Have you some suggestions as to how one can begin to meet these people or begin to make the connections and even work with these people, or affiliate with them?
  3. What is the difference between good debt and bad debt?
  4. I have heard you say that to make money you must spend money. I’m still not sure how that works. For example, to build a website, getting a coach, etc. costs money and a lot of money is going out but not being replaced or coming back in at the beginning or even for several months Is this bad debt? Can you please give some suggestions or ideas of how to address this?
  5. Extroverts are good at selling themselves. What ideas do you have for a strong introvert for whom the very thought of marketing is difficult and when you haven’t made enough yet to hire someone to do it for you?
  6. Do you believe in the law of diminishing returns? How much effort is too much?
  7. On the last conference call you mentioned Active Gratitude. Can you give an example of how you apply active gratitude? Is this different form effective gratitude and ineffective gratitude?
  8. Can I use hypnotic writing on myself? Is there a way to write my affirmations so that they are hypnotic? If so, can you give an example of a hypnotic affirmation?
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