The Ultimate You: An Overview to Personal Development and Self-Discovery

by Kory Koontz

Personal Development can mean something different to each person, depending on whom you ask. To one, it may mean developing the physical self; to another, it’s all about enhancing brainpower. To many, personal development is a spiritual journey. For each person on the journey, personal development is individual and it should mean something different to each person; however, the common denominator is self-discovery—cognitive awareness. The personal improvement that results is an effect of the trip itself.

Although the topic of developing one’s self for the better may seem contemporary, in truth the movement behind personal development (and self-improvement) has been around for millennia. The Greeks were the first (that we know of) whose society was centered on this ideal. Greek philosophy is based upon the development of leadership skills within the culture, serving the community by putting forth your talents and abilities, character maturity, community building and awareness, and creating life-long friendships. Additionally, the Greeks were the epitome of developing not only the mind but the body as well. These ideals have trickled down through the ages; and generally speaking, people who care about themselves participate (at least marginally) in some form of personal development on a regular basis, whether it be physical activity or continuing education. By nature, we strive to achieve excellence and strive for the best of which we are capable.

Many today seek to be the “Renaissance Man or Woman,” by living each day to its fullest and by living by an optimist’s creed and philosophy that each stumbling block can in fact be an opportunity for adventure and growth. The person who strives to live such a life is rarely satisfied with the mundane and continually seeks to learn more, to see more, and to do more. Personal development comes by doing, not by sitting on the sidelines and observing. We are that we might have joy, so it is up to us to enjoy the process.

However, the road to self-discovery may be a painful one. We are required to take deep, introspective looks within ourselves to see not only what makes us tick but also what prevents us from accomplishing our ultimate goals. As mortal men and women, by nature, we are flawed and imperfect. The good news is that we are also divine and limitless in potential. It is up to us to overcome the obstacles that make us weak and to turn opportunities into the harvest of our dreams. We have the potential to be anything that we truly desire to be. What is required of us is an unbending belief in our abilities, a passionate desire to achieve, and a roadmap that will lead us down the path. So, when detours arise, we will be resilient and unwavering and hold true to the course.

Over the years, multiple works have been written on the subject of personal development and self-discovery. Libraries are chocked full of resources just waiting to be used, in order to tap into our true potential. Our greatest gift is our ability to choose. We can wake up each day, be productive and proactive, and go to bed with a sense of accomplishment, or not. We can choose to be positive in the face of adversity, or not. We can choose to live each day as if it were our last, or not. We can choose to be a better man or woman, spouse, parent, friend, employee or boss than we were yesterday, or not. We can choose our pathway in life and we really can have it all. We have to know what we want, have clarity and focus, and want it badly enough to take inspired action and to make it happen. Do you wish to become the ultimate you, or would you rather just watch life pass you by? The choice is yours!

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