Measuring Progress: The Examined Life is the Most Fulfilling

by Janeen J. Detrick

In the course of our lives, we are often faced with trials that we must deal with. These are not necessarily trials because of our own follies or lack of understanding, but sometimes, they are merely trials encountered because of living. For example, a punctured tire on the way to work. Now, since we’re learning that we attract into our lives whatever we encounter, you might ask yourself, “How could I have attracted that into my life?”

Have such thoughts ever entered your mind? Probably so, if you’re like most of us! Let’s examine this, and see if we can assess it well enough to make sense of it.

Dr. Joe Vitale teaches that we may not be to blame for all events in our lives, but they are, however, our responsibility, since, after all, they are in our lives! This makes sense to me. I may not have done anything, directly, to attract a punctured tire; however, now that one has transpired, I have an opportunity to respond in such a way as to turn it into something good.

What if the only way you can measure your personal growth is to see a transition in the way these annoyances affect you? Isn’t the measure of your success your level of happiness? Isn’t how you feel in response to whatever you encounter as an excellent reflection of who you have become? How else are you to see inside your growth, but to be tested, if you will, by life’s little annoyances? If you never encounter tests of character, how will you ever know if you have a strong character?

From this paradigm, it is easier to respond in a lovely, peaceful, life affirming way, isn’t it? It works for me! I find that the examined life is the most fulfilling and these trials help me ascertain how well I’m living from a position of quiet spirited gratitude. So, when I encounter them, I can readily see that which is growing inside me: a volcano of negative energy nearing eruption, or a spring of life-giving love flowing freely! When I see my own responses, I can be restored to peace, if that’s what’s necessary, or I can rejoice in knowing that everything is just as it should be!

I submit to you that this is exactly how we attract such events into our lives! Within us is a desire to affirm that which we believe we know and understand about ourselves. We need the trial in order to determine own responses to it! When we recognize that our responses have been less than desirable, we can re-direct our energy, and grow because of it. When we respond admirably, feel good, positive, and actually energized by the event, we will express gratitude, and be further ennobled by our own worth in the world.

An interesting thing happens within us upon when we respond admirably and thus affirm our own value: our level of deserving skyrockets! We believe we are of greater worth than we previously were, not in comparison to someone else, but only in comparison to our own prior best. We have a sense of knowing that Source Energy is proud of us, and we are proud of ourselves!

Then guess what happens? Wow! All that positive feeling returns to us many wonderful gifts!

Aren’t you glad you examine your own responses? It allows you the opportunities to see where you need additional growth, and it allows you the opportunities to feel fantastic about your willingness to become more.

Surely, the examined life IS the most fulfilled life! It’s also the only way to grow.

I believe I’ll write again soon about the level of deservingness: it only matters in your mind! Does the universe only return what they focus on to those who deserve it? But for now, if you feel a need to deserve it, allow it to serve you!

Until then, bye for now!


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