Giving of Time and Money

Giving of Time and Money

Plus, an explanation about “Ho’oponopono”

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

Many of the thoughts I share here are my interpretations of what ACIM (A Course In Miracles) and also the book by James F. Twyman, The Moses Code, teach about giving.

1.Intentions: What’s your intention in giving? You will receive it back in direct proportion to the energy of your intention when you gave! The Moses Code

2.ACIM; In the preface, page 13, teaches that forgiveness reflects that giving and receiving are the same.

3.Prayer; “Shift my perception so that I see all that I have received which enables me to give. Shift my perception so that I understand how I can give, because I have previously received. Shift my perception so I can see that it matters not to whom I give, nor what they do with it. In the moment I give, and let go of thinking they must give back to me, then I open myself to receive from myriad sources! Shift my perception, Spirit, so I know that I have everything, all the time, therefore I am empowered to give every time I feel inspired to! Shift my perception so I never again believe it is possible to sacrifice anything! Cause me to understand that giving and receiving are the same.”

4.ACIM. Only what you have not given can be lacking in any situation. Your own perception that it’s lacking is the reason you don’t have it to give! ACIM, Chapter 17, paragraph 4.

5.When you give freely, you are recognizing that you can’t be hurt by anyone or anything. Recognizing that fact is the reason you are able to give freely!

6.ACIM: Chapter 19: paragraph 4; sentence 1; See the world as kind. The World has no fear in it, except what YOU have placed upon it.

7.It’s important to get excited about what you are asking for, since it’s a form of energy! The Moses Code. Money…Time…It’s all energy!

8.Forgiveness. In forgiving, we find freedom from the grip of anger. In forgiving, we are GIVING (giving mercy), and you know what happens when we give? The Divine is now going to give back to us! If you forgive someone a financial debt they can’t or just aren’t paying, you are now in a state of giving, so the Divine is now your debtor! Ha! Yippee!! And the Divine is always faithful! In forgiving, we find freedom from the resistance stored in every cell in our body that acts like a barrier to our receiving our own abundance. If we can only forgive people who ask for our forgiveness, then are we extending anything at all? Or are we then merely accepting the fruit of their growth process? They, then, are the “stronger” ones, not us! But if we forgive those who have not asked, we are cancelling the energy inside ourselves of debt we think we are owned, and thus freeing ourselves from the negative energy that would have come back to us if we had held onto it! It does not energetically remove the consequences from THEM, BECAUSE THE ENERGY INSIDE THEM THAT MADE THEM DO IT IS STILL INSIDE THEM! But it does free us from the negative energy coming back to us. We forgive so that WE can be free of that energy. But remember something: if you are wishing something bad would happen to them, that is not forgiveness at all, because that thought will bring to YOU the bad things you are wishing upon them. We also need to forgive the little daily annoyances, not only the big things.

How forgiving are you? When someone wrongs you, or so you think, are you most likely to stop speaking to them until they apologize? Will you stuff the energy inside you, and move on? Will you confront the person with your feelings? Remember, your response, of being hurt or offended, is the “hook” that was inside you. Is it really always something that they need to be confronted about? Maybe sometimes, but always? How do you respond when the memory of someone who hurt or offended you comes to mind? Do you continue to cringe? Do you reprimand yourself for that response, not forgiving yourself?

Here is a question from a student, and a subsequent answer I gave, which may help you understand this:

Hey, Dr. J,

I just thought of something about Ho-O-ponopono that I need explained. If there’s nothing to forgive, because nothing bad happened, why do we say “I’m sorry, please forgive me”?

My answer:

Precisely!!!! I love it that you are now of high enough consciousness to even think to ask that question! Love, love, love it!

In point of actuality, there is nothing to forgive, since everything we did, or they did, was always exactly what everybody attracted and needed at the time, to learn what they needed to learn, so it was good and not bad! Therefore, you don’t NEED to apologize to yourself, and they don’t NEED to apologize to YOU! Everyone needed the lesson of it, whatever it was, or you would never have been triggered by it in the first place! Remember that you are “ho’oponopono-ing” about the energy of YOUR OWN RESPONSE. So, you are actually apologizing to yourself for seeing something as being bad, which made you get triggered! That’s actually why Dr. Len’s bracelet website only sells bracelets with the two positive phrases on them now! As soon as we clear enough of our own responses, we begin seeing that there’s nothing to forgive, so we no longer need to clear anything! Let me remind you that the best question you can ask yourself when you notice that you got triggered is this, “What’s right about this that I’m not getting?” Then, you stop making it wrong, and see the lesson that you attracted the incident in order to learn from!

Ha! There’s nothing to forgive! They really did do it FOR YOU and NOT TO YOU!

AWESOME!!!! Lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove!

Dr. Janeen J. Detrick

PS: And when you realize that in forgiving you are GIVING, therefore you will receive, you will realize the gift of forgiving and giving and receiving are all the same! You are a FLOW THROUGH ENTITY for the blessings of this abundant universe!

Assignment: Write 25 “I feel good when I think about_______________” statements!


“Love, money, health, time, love, money, health, time, love, money, health, time; I am in the cycle of ever expanding abundance of love, money, health, time.
Love, money, health, time, love, money, health time, love, money, health, time; I am in the cycle of ever expanding abundance of love, money, health, time.
Love, money, health, time, love, money, health time, love, money, health, time; I am in the cycle of ever expanding abundance of love, money, health, time.”

One Response to Giving of Time and Money

  1. Makeyah Daurham June 4, 2013 at 6:27 am #

    This is my first time on the blog and it’s wonderful. I know I can learn so much. Thank you “Doc”

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