What the Unconscious Mind Shows You!

The contents of the unconscious mind are NEVER hidden! They are NO MYSTERY at all! The contents of your unconscious mind are showing themselves to you in each and every second of each and every day. Everything you see happening in your life is an OUT-PICTURING of what’s in your unconscious mind! WAKE UP, and NOTICE the junk in your life and you’ll then see what’s in your unconscious mind!

To fully comprehend this, it is necessary that you understand the science of how our brains and our eyeballs make us see. The unconscious mind stores the energetic imprint of everything you have EVER, EVER been exposed to, whether subliminally or peripherally, or directly, in this life, or in some other life, if there are other lives. It collects all energetic imprints! So, your CONSCIOUS mind can’t possibly know what all has been stored in there! Except that you see it all playing itself out again and again, over and over in your life experience.

How do we SEE? The energetic imprint stored in our unconscious mind is projected onto the visual cortex, then it vibrates through our optic nerve, and refracted off our lens, back to our brain for interpretation of that data. So WE SEE ONLY THE PAST, because it had to already be in our subconscious in order to see it! THAT MEANS that you must imagine it how you choose it to be, in order to PUT the data in your subconscious,

So, what can you learn by noticing the contents that your unconscious mind is showing you?

  1. All your unconscious beliefs.
  2. All the programming that you aren’t aware of.
  3. All the programming in the collective Egoic Mind Field. (collective egoic consciousness)
  4. All the events that made an energetic imprint on you that you thought you had let go of, or “forgiven”. PS: A belief that you need to forgive something is VICTIM-HOOD! You had energy on the issue, so YOU created it, so just own and quit blaming them! There is actually NOTHING to forgive! It was all just an out-picturing of what was inside YOU!
  5. All your victim-hood.
  6. All your judgments, and what you believe to be bad and scary and wrong, and get afraid of.
  7. And last but not least, in short, all the lessons “you” haven’t learned yet!

Now, please note that the “you” in the above sentence is a lower case “y”, and is indicative of the little, egoic self. The You who You Really Are, would have been perfectly at peace, non-defensive, not fearing anything nor worried about anything and would therefore never then have seen any of that junk!
I would have written a reference to “It”, the REAL YOU, capitalized, representing the Higher Self, or, more clearly stated, the God Energy of Who You REALLY Are!

The GOD ENERGY of Who You Really Are doesn’t need to learn anything! God already KNOWS everything! YOU are a fractal of GOD. You are NOT the fullness of God, but you are an identical replica in a smaller form! Some religions call it a “child of God”, and that seems, in my mind, to be a pretty good description of it!

So, what junk do you see in your life? What experiences do you keep seeing in your life over and over and over again? This shows you the cycles you keep re-creating until you realize the lesson.

First, you must understand that it doesn’t mean that you ARE THAT. It means that you have strong ENERGY inside you ON THAT ISSUE!

If you hate narcissism you are creating and attracting narcissism.

If you hate genetically modified foods you are creating genetically modified foods. NOT because you want to, but because YOU HAVE STRONG, STRONG, STRONG energy ON the issue!

Anything you have strong energy on is something you are both CREATING and also ATTRACTING into you r experience!


The Universe does NOT speak English, or Norwegian, or Spanish! The Universe Speaks VIBRATION! It matches YOUR vibration and you are creating your own supply of everything in every moment by your focus of energy and attention on it!

YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is showing you what issue you have strong energy on 100% of the time. No excuses. No exceptions. ALL THE TIME!

YOU created it. You don’t need to forgive “them” because they didn’t do it to you. You attracted people who were an energetic match TO YOU, so they WOULD do it to you, so you did it and there’s NOTHING TO FORGIVE!

Got it? Questions? Then buy sessions with me.

It’s really all SO SIMPLE!

Dr. J.


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