NLP Script – Secondary Character

By Dr. Janeen J. Detrick


I used to believe that I was a secondary character in my own life.  The sisters on either side of me were both very aggressive, and each one of them voiced her wishes and argued with Mom. They seemed to me to get their way more than I did, to get the clothes and things they wanted while I wore hand me downs.  And they seemed to get more attention. I interpreted all of this to mean that I was not as important, and that my story was not as important as theirs. I interpreted it to mean that I could not have all that I wanted, be it things or emotions like true love, because I was a secondary, subordinate character in my own life.  In my own mind I repeatedly accepted the role of the lesser character, of the side kick, the younger sister, the insignificant friend, the one whose emotional and physical needs always come as an afterthought.

I completely forgive my sisters; they were just expressing their personalities. They did not know I would interpret their actions as I did; and they did not want to deprive me of anything. And I forgive my mother and grandmother for paying them more attention that they paid me at times.  I now know that the louder child often does get the attention, but more attention does not necessarily mean more love. And I completely forgive myself for believing I was secondary and insignificant; I was only a child doing her best to interpret the world when I formed this belief.

I now realize that I AM the diva, the goddess, the star of my own life.  I now know that I can take a starring role in my life with full confidence and love for myself. I am important, attractive, dynamic, significant, and valuable. My desires are important, significant, and valuable. I am just as good as anyone else, and I deserve to claim what I want in this life, whether it is material possessions, financial abundance, a joyous career, strong friendships, male love, or personal happiness and self love.

I completely love and accept myself even though I have held onto this belief for as long as I can remember.  I forgive myself for not having learned that I important earlier on.

I am so proud of myself for realizing that I AM IMPORTANT!  I am so proud of myself for realizing that I get to come to the forefront of my life and to shape my story as I desire.  I know now that I am the best heroine for my life!

Thank you, Self, for forgiving me for not having learned to love myself fully sooner.  I love you, Self.  Thank you. Thank you Divine for all the blessings you pour down on me. I love you. I love you.

It is done.

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