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Feelings Scripts

Scripts inspired and written by Carolynn Lybbert, Hypnotherapist. Enhancements by JulieAnn Curtis. FEELINGS SCRIPT 1 Spirit, go to my beginnings and locate what it is that caused the (following) thoughts, feelings and beliefs (about, from and toward) of ____________to start. Take my very most adult understanding, forgiving, reasoning, spiritual, higher-self to what it is that caused the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to begin. Analyze and resolve every aspect of it perfectly and permanently, then come forward in time, analyzing and resolving perfectly and permanently every similar incident based upon the […]

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3 Step Clearing

Feeding what you want is easy; the emphasis is placed on starving what you don’t want with your thoughts and feelings. Your habitual state of consciousness is the number one factor influencing your personal experiences. Check in 10+ times a day with the Question “How do I feel right now?” You can use a reminder app on your phone, an alarm on your phone, sticky notes placed in random places, paint one fingernail different from the rest, wear your watch on the opposite arm, or put a bandage on your […]

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“How do I identify what my limiting beliefs are?”

“I don’t know what my limiting beliefs are!!” So many students of personal development add fear energy to the subject of figuring out what their limiting beliefs are, as if it’s some big mystery! It’s as if they are concerned that it is possible that it could be in there……and they not know it! Let me assuage your fears: It is impossible for you to have limiting beliefs and not know it, or should I say feel it! Okay…Here’s the straightforward, simple facts about how to identify limiting beliefs: Any […]

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Clearing Methods

A synopsis by Janeen J. Detrick Here are some of the different ways to diffuse negative feelings, and release limiting beliefs: 1. Ho-O-Ponopono (In the elective class, “Clearing Limiting Beliefs, Part 1”, I take people through my visualization of HOW this works, so they can fully understand it.) 2. Welcome the feeling; Don’t resist feeling it! Welcome it! 3. Dive into it! This dissolves it if it is negative! It doubles it when it’s positive. 4. Mentally try to magnify the negative feeling, so you can feel it more! This […]

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The Clearing Statement

By Janeen J. Detrick The clearing statement being reviewed in this article is the clearing statement taught by This statement was given to Gary Douglas by inspiration, as a way of completely annihilating and clearing the energy of any belief, thought process, or feeling that you desire to release and clear. At this point in time, the statement has enough energy on it in the mindfield that it carries an energetic imprint, and instantly works! It’s very powerful! Here’s the way it works: 1. Ask yourself, “Am I willing […]

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Theta Yogic Breathing to Quiet the Mind

Theta Yogic Breathing! To stop the brain chatter! Theta yogic breathing just before bed. First, do a breathing test through each nostril individually, so you can discern which nostril is currently dominate. You will have to do this each time you begin a theta yogic breathing implementation, as the nostril which is dominate changes all the time. Hold your dominate hand so that it seems to have only three fingers ; The index finger and middle finger function as if they are one. The pinky finger and the ring finger […]

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Three Steps to Overcoming and Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Releasing Limiting Beliefs is a Three Step Process. First, you have to identify the limiting belief, but this is not what I am referring to as “step one” when I say that the process for releasing limiting beliefs is a three step process. Step one of the three step process is to neutralize the negative energy inside you about the belief, if you are feeling negative energy inside you about it. Remember that “negative energy” is just another way of saying “negative feelings”. If you are able to think clearly […]

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The Three Categories of Limiting Beliefs

So, you want to clear ALL your blocks….your limiting beliefs….your counter intentions. Wow. That probably feels like it will require lots of time, and lots of effort, doesn’t it? Assignment step one: To get started, I want you to write a list of every limiting belief you think you have! Yes, list them. Number them even; a one line synopsis of each one that you think you have! Even if that list reaches 162 limiting beliefs, or more….. I have good news for you! All limiting beliefs filter into only […]

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How to Detach From Rejection!

By Janeen J. Detrick The thought processes that keep us attached to what someone else thinks about us are largely rooted in three different mistaken beliefs: 1. “I am responsible for other people’s responses, and they are responsible for mine; They shouldn’t hurt my feelings!” The fact is, no one can MAKE YOU feel a certain way! The energy of your response was inside YOU, so therefore they didn’t do anything to you, except serve you to show you where you have a hook! If someone goes fishing to try […]

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Allowing Script Example: Attracting Negative People

A student asked a question of how to discharge the energy of continuously attracting negative people. She says she has been focused on attracting positive people, but still, only negative people come into her life! The solution? Write an “allowing script.”  Allowing scripts discharge the negative energy inside us AGAINST whatever it is we are AGAINST (like the fear of attracting negative people). When we have no energy inside us on the issue, how can we possibly attract it? We tackle it from ALL directions, allowing EVERYTHING, and RESISTING nothing! […]

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