“How do I identify what my limiting beliefs are?”

“I don’t know what my limiting beliefs are!!”

So many students of personal development add fear energy to the subject of figuring out what their limiting beliefs are, as if it’s some big mystery! It’s as if they are concerned that it is possible that it could be in there……and they not know it!

Let me assuage your fears: It is impossible for you to have limiting beliefs and not know it, or should I say feel it!

Okay…Here’s the straightforward, simple facts about how to identify limiting beliefs:

Any time you have a negative thought WITH FEELING about anything, anything, that is a sign that there is a lurking limiting belief that is causing that negative energy to raise it’s ugly little head within you!

So, how do you identify them? Begin making a note of any negative feelings that well up within you! Write them down as you feel them, so that you can analyze those feelings later, using the two analytical processes that I taught you last week: The Benefit Of The Benefit and also Differing Data Interpretations. What you’ll want to do IMMEDIATELY is neutralize them, so they don’t build inside you for more than 17 seconds, as it takes 17 seconds for the strings energy inside your protons and neutrons inside your cells to correlate their vibration with yours, then shoot themselves out of your body into the “ether” and begin attracting “stuff” to you that matches that vibration and wiggle pattern that they have! SO, if you correct your negative feelings within 17 seconds, GOOD NEWS! It didn’t attract anything negative to you! YIPPEE!!

Here are some examples of “triggers” that indicate limiting beliefs:
1. Someone sends you an e-mail trying to sell you something, and you get upset about it. (If you can’t rejoice in other people getting rich, and bless them in it, YOU will never get rich!)
2. You get all bent out of shape because someone does something differently than you do. (This indicates that you have a limiting belief that others have to be like you! Ex: You don’t wear tattoos, and wish they didn’t!)
3. You get easily offended. (This indicates that you need exterior validation, indicating that you don’t accept and love yourself! Talk about a limitation!)
4. Every sentence that starts with “I don’t think……”, or “It can’t work…” Just your basic disbelieving and dismissing! It shows that you don’t really believe that the Universe is benevolent and will support you!
5. Any thing that you dislike strongly, with feeling. For example, “I hate the government”
6. Telling other people what you think they should do is an indication that you are not allowing other people to create their life however they want….and it will prevent YOU from being able to!

Okay, so there you have it! It’s no mystery at all! Negative feelings indicate a limiting belief. If you don’t have any negative feelings, you don’t have any limiting beliefs lurking! They only “come up”, when they come up! You don’t need to be concerned that they are there….and you don’t know it.

Janeen J. Detrick

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