The Three Categories of Limiting Beliefs

So, you want to clear ALL your blocks….your limiting beliefs….your counter intentions. Wow. That probably feels like it will require lots of time, and lots of effort, doesn’t it?
Assignment step one: To get started, I want you to write a list of every limiting belief you think you have!
Yes, list them. Number them even; a one line synopsis of each one that you think you have! Even if that list reaches 162 limiting beliefs, or more…..

I have good news for you!

All limiting beliefs filter into only THREE categories, and when you write an N.L.R.P. script (see the previous post about NLRP scripting!) on the one in each category that feels the strongest, or worst, for you,
All of the rest of them in that category will automatically fall off!
So, no matter how many you have, you only have THREE!
Isn’t that good news???

Here are the three categories:
1. Supply
2. Insecurity
3. Perspective.

Supply limiting beliefs are always about a shortage of something. They sound like this:
“There just aren’t enough hours in the day!” (Supply of time.)
“There aren’t enough good men to go around!” (Supply of men.)
“There aren’t enough years left in my life to accomplish my dreams!” (Supply of time left in my life.)
“There’s not enough money to go around for all of us to be rich!” (Supply of abundance energy, represented by money.)

Insecurity limiting beliefs are easy to identify because they are always about something that you think is “wrong with you”.
“My thighs are too fat.”
“I’m too dumb to learn internet marketing.”
“I’m worthless.”
“I never succeed.”

The category of limiting beliefs which are really just perspective problems are really easy to identify; If they don’t fit in to the other two catagories, then they are just perspectives!
For example,
“This economy is horrible!”
“We won’t be able to succeed under this government!”
“Everybody is so judgmental!”
“Women without a degree can’t be successful.”
“Men who have tattoos will hurt your daughter.” (Okay…that one was silly, I admit, but you could have something similar to that!)

Assignment step two: After you write your list, then assign each one a category.
Assignment step three: Ask yourself which one in each category is the strongest (meaning the worst, or has the most energy on it for you.)
Assignment step four: Then, write your NLRP script about just that ONE from each category, and read it to yourself, aloud, every day for 30 days!

AND YOU’LL BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!

By Janeen J. Detrick

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