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Anger Is Birthed In Powerlessness

Anger comes from feeling powerless. Feeling Powerless comes from thinking that we are separate from God; It is not recognizing God within. Not recognizing God within makes us think that we can be acted upon; That other people are separate from us, and can have power over us. Thinking other people can have power over us, we have given the control of our responses over to them. We are then playing the victim! And this leads to everybody pushing against everybody else, and the madness escalates! The fear of seeing […]

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Living the Universal Laws; Points to Ponder

There are only three Universal Laws, and this article is intended to assist you in living them! These are important truths to comprehend: 1. The Law of Attraction is that “like attracts like”. This means that anything that has come into your experience MUST, by Law, show you what energy is inside yourself! As you ponder what inside you brought it to you, you will eventually light upon the realization, and then you can set yourself free from ever having to go through that again! 2. The Law of Allowing […]

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How can I tell the difference between “Divine Inspiration” and “My Ego”??

Basically, the answer is so simple; SO simple! Ego is exterior motivation Edging God Out! INSPIRATION means “in” and “Spirit”. Spirit means breath. That which comes from within and gives you the breath of life! That is divine inspiration! If it depresses you, it didn’t come from God. If it makes you judge someone else as being “bad”, it doesn’t come from God, because God loves us all and sees everybody’s perspective! If it makes you feel fear, it didn’t come from God! Now, Please understand that when you first […]

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Rome wasn’t built in a day

So you want to create a better life for yourself? Pushing against things, forcing, controlling, IS the block that prevents the wellness and abundance from flowing freely to us! What does “pushing against things” sound like, and feel like? It sounds like, “I can’t stand when people do that!” “It drives me nuts when…” “I hate it when guys wear earings.” “I think the government should stop interfering in our lives.” “I think big corporations are out to get us!” “Pharmaceutical companies are only in it for the money” Okay…You […]

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Energy Medicine “POWER PACK”

Energy Medicine “POWER PACK” to clear your energy field of “kinks”, which cause you to push against yourself to change and heal. The energy field which surrounds your body memorizes it’s flow, and you can actually struggle against yourself to try to change and heal, unless you fix it in your energy field! When you fix it in your energy field, it makes it so much easier to set a new intention, as you won’t, then, be working against your own energy field! All addictions, metabolic set point, muscle memory, […]

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How do I stop “self sabotage”?

In psychology terms, self sabotaging thoughts are called “ruminating”. Another definition found in the dictionary for “ruminating” is described as “a cow chewing his cud is ruminating.” EEEK! That’s an ugly word picture, but it perfectly describes how it feels to constantly re-play negative thoughts about yourself in your head, doesn’t it? Self sabotaging thoughts sounds like “What if I’m too old to learn the internet marketing that it will take to make this business a success?” “What if I’m too dumb?” “What if people laugh at me?” “What if […]

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Releasing Control of Others, so you can receive all your blessings; Laying Down Resistance.

Repeat after me, “I hereby release control of the rate at which other people are growing.” Yikes! Sound easier said than done? Let me explain to you why it is SO IMPORTANT that you comprehend it, and relinquish trying to control, manipulate, and change, others. In universe law, the “Universe” allows everyone to create their life however they want, because the universe realizes that when people live out of their own hearts, they will “self correct” after they experience the consequences of their earlier choices, and therefore, all changes will […]

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Calling All Critical People; Do you realize that if you are critical of YOURSELF, you will attract other people into your life who will also be critical of you? Have you ever noticed others being critical of you? Do you have a bunch of critical people in your life? NEWSFLASH: YOU HAVE MORE CONTROL OVER HOW OTHER PEOPLE TREAT YOU, THAN YOU THINK! Clear the criticism that you level at YOURSELF, and you’ll be amazed! OTHER PEOPLE won’t criticize you any more! Really! Let me explain: When you are filled […]

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Overcoming Everything

The key to overcoming EVERYTHING is to realize that you are here for your OWN EXPANSION (growth!); You are not here to please other people! To OVERCOME EVERYTHING, we must focus on what WE WANT, not what others have tried to get us to become. This is not a narcissistic, rebellious endeavor. Rather, when we become the best we can be, rather than submitting to someone else’s control, we add to the Universal Intelligence pool, rather than becoming assimilated into what is already there! Literally, it is selfish to rob […]

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